So how are you voting?

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> On 8 Jun 2016, at 16:43, John Boocock <> wrote:
> If anyone is interested here is the stance we took at Yorkshire First:
> For me personally, a Scottish style referendum result of about 45/55 with the 
> following upsurge of political activity (albeit mostly centred on removing 
> much of the ragged elements of a discredited, tribal opposition to 
> independence) would be very useful. Especially if people started to focus 
> more on democracy and things like our bankrupt electoral systems. Anyone 
> failed to register to vote last night? - another can of worms - why leave it 
> so late?
> Before I left Scotland (during the referendum campaign) I was involved in the 
> Scottish Commission on Local Democracy.  Their final report makes for a sober 
> read not just for Scotland but for many other places in the UK. You can get a 
> download of it at
> One thing I am sure of is that most people I talk to about leaving the EC 
> know very little about what they wish for and are basing their decision on 
> very thin research or understanding. Those who have done any research tend to 
> have done it areas which directly concern them (which is very understandable)
> I also feel that many who intend to vote to stay or who although still 
> undecided will finally vote to stay will be doing so,not because of a clear 
> analysis of the pros and cons but because they have been swayed by Project 
> Fear MkII.
> The background noise from within the Tory party will also start to become 
> more of a thunder after the votes are counted.  Cameron's grip with his small 
> majority must be keeping him awake at night and giving succour to Frottage.  
> Immigration will not go away whatever the result, in just the same way as the 
> venal activities of the ruling classes and those who bankroll them will still 
> be there.
> Imagine a world ruled by a bunch of Mike Ashleys.
> Betty
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