We haven't come close to performing like we did against Derby, 
fluent,confident, moving through midfield in triangles quick feet quick 
passing, accurate passing. Since then I don't know what it is but just simple 
passing seems to be too hard we are bumbling along and scraping through games.  
the joy and optimism post derby has waned and shrivelled like an old apple 
john. Ha. 

Best regards,Scott. 

> On 4 Mar 2017, at 13:52, Rob Heath <rhe...@hkis.edu.hk> wrote:
> No no no..............I think Guardiola looks great!
> No, it's the beard and the shaven sides and the ridiculous foppish mohawk
> thing on top of the head which I cannot abide.
>> On Sat, Mar 4, 2017 at 8:29 PM, Matt Anderson <m...@leeds-united.net> wrote:
>> You might find the shaving of head and beard like guardiola I assume you
>> mean.... could be a necessary evil for those us us going bald
>> You might even find some brexit voters.....
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On 4 Mar 2017, at 15:12, Rob Heath <rhe...@hkis.edu.hk> wrote:
>>> OK........these 3 things are seemingly insane, but I suppose they could
>> be
>>> explained away:
>>> 1. The population of Britain has been transmogrified into lemmings, and
>> we
>>> are all merrily tearing towards the cliff-edge of leaving the EU.
>>> 2. The population of the USA has proven itself to be even more stupid
>> than
>>> the world thought they were.
>>> 3. Men all over the world have suddenly been consumed by the
>>> misapprehension that growing a ridiculous beard and then shaving the
>> sides
>>> and back of their head makes them look cool, whereas in fact it just
>> makes
>>> them look like complete tossers.
>>> But how do you explain this:
>>> Leeds are sitting comfortably in 4th place (and the teams at # 2 and #3
>> are
>>> playing each other today)
>>> We are on a run of 10 pts from the last 12
>>> We've just won 3-1 away from home
>>> That win included a (possibly) brilliant finish from our CF (who is the
>>> league's top scorer)..........a superbly-worked team goal.......and a
>>> cracking first ever LUFC goal from an exciting young Spanish winger.
>>> Yet I cannot overcome a feeling of worry and dissatisfaction!
>>> How can everything seem so great, and yet we seem incapable of stringing
>>> more than 2 passes together?
>>> How can watching us win 3-1 away be such an uncomfortable and (largely)
>>> joyless experience?
>>> Has football suddenly been infected by Trumpism, in that, just as the
>> more
>>> repugnant and offensive Trump becomes, the more he seems to be popular,
>> so
>>> the worse Leeds seem to playe, the better become our results?
>>> I suppose the bottom line, as I've said on here before, is that Monk
>> seems
>>> to have transformed us from a team that sometimes played some really nice
>>> stuff but usually lost, into a team that nearly always plays awfully but
>>> usually somehow manages to win.
>>> And that after 50 years of watching, it looks like I know nothing about
>> how
>>> football works (or politics, or men's hair fashions, for that matter!)
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