The least eventful game of football I've seen in years. Bags of effort. Little 
sparkle...and then there is, how quickly has he gone backwards...he 
barely seems in control of his own feet never mind anything else. Can someone 
unplug him from the mains and feed him a nice herb tea. 

Sent from my iPad

> On 11 Mar 2017, at 20:30, "" <> wrote:
>  Goals - Leeds 0 QPR 0proper shots on target Leeds 0 QPR 0Chances Leeds 0 QPR 
> 0Exciting moves Leeds 0 QPR 0
> I have been watching us for 40 years and have been to over 1000 games in that 
> time and I doubt if I have seen a more pointless game, or one in which so 
> little happened.
> It really is one to forget and very quickly
> I suppose it is unfair to call it pointless - we did get a point, and one 
> that may even prove critical at the end of the season. One other thing that 
> may prove important was the booking for Ayling which means he misses 2 games 
> and that may or may not cost us a few points.
> We also had a definate penalty turned down when Wood was grabbed in the box 
> in the last half hour.
> Other than that it was poor fare for the 30k who turned up. 
> Both teams tried and could not really be faulted for lack of effort, but the 
> feeling after 20mins was that this would be 0 0 at the end or that one team 
> would score and win 1 0.
> a clean sheet is always decent and Green did manage that on his 600th game, 
> but I doubt if any came any easier, as what shots they had either went wide 
> or were as dangerous as a back pass. We were even worse , with no penetration 
> or real chances / shots
> I do  not want to be too critical of them and they stuck to their task well, 
> it just never came off. Roofe, Pedraza, Hernandez the 3 behind Wood never 
> really got going and Sacko was even less productive. Wood did not put a foot 
> wrong, but had no chances and that sums it all up/
> In the past we would have lost this sort of game so we must be satisfied and 
> it is another point on our way (hopefully) to the play offs but we will need 
> to do better than this to ensure the season does not peter out.
> Fans were leaving with 10 minutes to go, and half of me thought how can you 
> leave a saturday 3pm game at 0 0 but the other half thought, fair enough you 
> will not miss anything
> As I said we should have had a penalty when we got a corner and Wood was 
> wrestled to the floor - it was clear and obvious from where I was that the 
> QPR player had him by the shirt but the officials missed it
> We need to be better next week for the later kick off v Brighton or we will 
> lose. There was no lack of effort , it just did not work
> Nothing else to say
> Dave
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