It may have escaped everyone’s attention, but they are both re-subscribed, and 
not actually ‘banned’ from the list!
Thirkers, on the other hand……
I’ll get my coat


From: Rob Heath [] 
Sent: 28 October 2017 02:04
To: Michael Benjamin <>
Cc: Jeremy Thorpe <>; Richard Walker 
<>; Peter Castlehouse <>;
Subject: Re: [LU] non LU......well, actually, that's the point......LU (ish)




My Dear Michael, I don't know what is more astonishing.............your 
original error, or the cojones you showed by admitting it!


You really are a Mad Bastard.


On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 8:45 PM, Michael Benjamin < 
<> > wrote:

I don't know where this stands; I may be repeating myself but:
1. I accept all responsibility. Heath, this time, was completely innocent of 
any wrongdoings.  He should definitely not be banned.
2. Suffice to say; I had no idea he had written a book. I thought it was 
(another) dig at me. I was wrong and deserve banning.
3. TBF, as much as I intensely dislike Heath, I wish his forage into writing 
every success. Yes, you should read his book and give feedback.
4. So, I wander off into the horizon knowing my last act was much to do about 
nothing and extremely bizarre even by my exacting standards. But by God, I did 
it great 😊
All the best to all of you. MOT, but without me.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Thorpe [ 
<> ]
Sent: 27 October 2017 15:12
To: 'Richard Walker' < <> 
>; 'Peter Castlehouse' < <> >; 
Michael Benjamin < <> >; 'Rob Heath' 
< <> >
Cc: <> 

Subject: RE: [LU] non LU......well, actually, that's the point......LU (ish)

 I second getting them back on. From the initial flame through all Dr Mikes 
responses, bloody hilarious. Fabulous cheap entertainment.

-----Original Message-----
From: Leedslist [ 
<> ] On Behalf Of {broken-address} Richard 
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2017 07:59
To: Peter Castlehouse; 'Michael Benjamin'; 'Rob Heath'
Cc: <> 
Subject: Re: [LU] non LU......well, actually, that's the point......LU (ish)

throwing people off the list even for Non-LU posts ?
Most entertaining posts for a while from Mad MIke IMO. Get them back on.
      From: Peter Castlehouse < 
<> >
 To: 'Michael Benjamin' < <> >; 'Rob Heath' 
< <> >
Cc: <> 
 Sent: Thursday, 26 October 2017, 7:18
 Subject: Re: [LU] non LU......well, actually, that's the point......LU (ish)

Well, you have both prompted an admin response, after your non-LU rantings.
This has gone too far, in every aspect, and is not good protocol in anyone's 
Rob and Michael, I have unsubbed you both from the list.  Should Betty decide 
in his wisdom to let you back on board, I am sure he will respond to any 
subscribe request you submit, and treat both requests with the same moderation.

-----Original Message-----
From: Leedslist [ 
<> ] On Behalf Of Michael Benjamin
Sent: 26 October 2017 17:05
To: Rob Heath < <> >
Cc: <> 
Subject: Re: [LU] non LU......well, actually, that's the point......LU (ish)

Rob, I am going to get both of us thrown out. You know fine well just what you 
did. You pour over every post. Stop pissiing around. Why you even bother beats 
me. Time after time you are told—leave Isreal out. And you pull it back in. 
This last thread was not started by you. Nor did you mention Israel. When 
Israel was mentioned, it was not by you. The remark was made in good faith. 
You, in your never-ending warped way, quoted a post which shows what a sick 
perverted deviant you are. And when that happens, with me, the shit hit the fan.
I will not leave the group; you will not have that pleasure—but to be thrown 
out fighting you would be more than great.
Even now, you cannot let the matter drop. Do you not realise it interests no 
one, but you plough on.

From: Rob Heath [ <> ]
Sent: 26 October 2017 08:55
To: Michael Benjamin < <> >
Cc: Matt Anderson < <> >; <> 
Subject: Re: [LU] non LU......well, actually, that's the point......LU (ish)

Has anybody got any clue what this lunatic is burbling on about?

I think he's finally cracked.

Physician, heal thyself.

On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 5:34 AM, Michael Benjamin < 
<> < <> >> wrote:
You will not have the last word.
You may cringe out there – but your type is known well to me. Even so, I was 
flabbergasted to see you saving; researching past posts. That is as may be. The 
age of Jews running from cretins like you is long over. I wish Betty would 
permanently ban both of us. I cringe when I read your puerile posts. But I will 
not leave—I prefer being thrown out. I do not call for you to be expelled; I 
believe in freedom of speech; even for you. However, when your distinct 
disgusting foibles hoist themselves on us in a manner concerning me, I hit out.
I do not mind anyone referring to Israel and me. I was revolted to see how 
absorbed and dedicated you are. You quoted a letter of mine I neither 
remembered and certainly did not archive. You did, and that makes you more than 
creepy—it makes you one sick fucker.
You are in education. God help us all. Your writing style is bloody immature 
and your racism pathological. As I said, that is as may be. But when it comes 
to me or mine—it is a major issue. An issue not resolved and not going 
away—unless you stop.

From: Rob Heath [ <> 
< <> >]
Sent: 26 October 2017 02:16
To: Matt Anderson < <> 
< <> >>
Cc: Michael Benjamin < <> 
< <> >>; 
<> < 
<> >

Subject: Re: [LU] non LU......well, actually, that's the point......LU (ish)

Re the strange contribution from Dr. Bizarro...........

He seems to have invented some imagined insult that absolutely does not 
exist...............he seems to seesaw between a reasonable, cheerful chap and 
a vile, vicious, venomous bile-spitting Mr. Furious.

It seems like a classic case of paranoid schizophrenia to me. But I am just a 
layman. Isn't it a shame that we haven't got, on this list, someone like, oh, I 
don't know, a community psychiatrist or something?

What? Oh.

On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 8:48 PM, Matt Anderson < 
<> < 
<> >> wrote:
Who me?

Sent from my iPhone

> On 25 Oct 2017, at 18:30, Michael Benjamin < 
> <> < <> >> 
> wrote:
> You amazingly weird twat.
> Imagine storing all my posts and remembering when to and what was in them. Do 
> you wear kinky gear and sit in dark room playing with yourself as you read 
> them-- under your picture of Eva Braun.  Try putting a plastic bag over your 
> face too.
> I deal with really sick people, and I have seen some bloody creepy stuff. 
> However, to obsess over the letters of someone you loath is way up there.
> BTW, although I will not let you run wild, no one is in the least bit 
> interested in our thread. I have written that too-- did you miss in the 
> height of your orgasm?
> Please, pretend I am dead. Don't drag me into your moronic gratuitous insults.
> Dr  Michael Benjamin,
> Community Psychiatrist.
> PHONE: +972-505-317772 <tel:%2B972-505-317772> <tel:%2B972-505-317772>
> BLOG: Times Of Israel ||Quora ||Jerusalem Post AMAZON AUTHORS PAGE;
> myRay: Online CBT
> |-----Original Message-----
> |From: Leedslist
> |[ <> 
> <mailto:leedslist-boun...@gn.apc <mailto:leedslist-boun...@gn.apc> .
> |org>] On Behalf Of Matt Anderson
> |Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 11:30 AM
> |To: Rob Heath < <> 
> < <> >>
> |Cc: <> 
> < <> >
> |Subject: Re: [LU] non LU......well, actually, that's the
> |point......LU (ish)
> |
> |Just noticed big order coming in from Israel
> |
> |Sent from my iPhone
> |
> |> On 25 Oct 2017, at 08:57, Rob Heath < 
> <> < 
> <> >> wrote:
> |>
> |> Boys & Girls..........
> |>
> |> A few months back, I notified this list of the publication of my
> |> first novel. I told you all that there was a little bit of an LUFC
> |> connection in there. I thought that, plus list loyalty, would be
> |> enough to persuade you all to buy it.
> |>
> |> However, in the intervening period, I have been surprised to
> |> receive a grand total of ZERO emails telling me how
> |> great/funny/fascinating etc the novel is! I can only assume that NONE of 
> you have bought the bloody thing!
> |>
> |> Come on, be honest...............put your hand up if you have
> |> bought my novel.
> |>
> |> Hmmmm..............just as I thought.
> |>
> |> So I'm going to try again:
> |>
> |> It is actually *incredibly *LUish! There's a whole chapter (or part
> |> of
> |> one) concerning the League Cup semifinal away leg against Forest.
> |> Every single character who had to have their name changed to
> |> prevent me being sued (ie everyone in the book) has been given the
> |> name of a Leeds
> |player!
> |>
> |> Plus, it is super-footbally all the way through.
> |>
> |> Basically, this book will appeal to anybody who...........supports
> |> LUFC, likes football, is a teacher (esp. an overseas one), is an
> |> expat, has been to Morocco. How many of those boxes do you tick?
> |>
> |> The book as been described by one critic as "James Herriot meets Hunter S.
> |> Thompson." How appealing is that?!
> |>
> |> So come on! Buy a copy now.............better still, buy 5 and give
> |> the others as xmas presents to anybody you know who also ticks any
> |> or all of those boxes.
> |>
> |> (Why this desperate plea? Well, I'm working on the next novel, and
> |> I need good sales to persuade the publisher to give me a decent
> |> deal!)
> |>
> |> Details: *"A Tangerine Dream" by Rob Heath. *Supposedly available
> |> at all major bookshops (although I couldn't find a single copy in
> |> any shop I looked in during the summer) and deffo on Amazon.
> |>
> |> Apologies to anybody annoyed by this message cluttering up your inbox.
> |> _______________________________________________
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