>I’m running out of patience with Saiz though. He’s not a team player. He’s got 
>lots of skill but is terribly one footed , holds onto the ball too long and is 
>always >falling over, complaining and whining to the ref. He also doesn’t 
>track back and I particularly liked seeing BPF having a right go at him for 
>losing his man. I >heard on the radio on the way home that he had a bit of a 
>strop on the bench after being subbed. I can’t be doing with that kind of 
>thing - with a few minutes >left he should be cheering his teammates on to 
>victory not sulking about being taken off. After the six match ban for 
>spitting you’d have thought he’d be a bit >more contrite in his behaviour. I’d 
>not be devastated if we got rid in the summer.
Agree ccompletely Simon. He's a poor fit for a team which needs some fight and 
discipline. Yes, on his day he can be very effective, but he's greedy, 
petulant, one-footed and slow - I fully expect it'll be adios in the summer!
>Ekuban came on as a sub and gave a decent impression of someone who’d never 
>played football before. 

Caught some of the Villa game at the weekend, and wonder how many now wish we'd 
employed Bagpuss Junior as our manager? OK, ex Manc etc, but he does appear to 
know what he's doing? Too late now of course, unless Villa go up, lose 20 games 
straight, by which time the Heckingbottom scenario will have played out one way 
or the other. 
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