Well in some ways this was a replica of last week- largely outclass a poor team 
in bad weather, only score one goal and come close at the end to conceding a 
goal and throwing away 2 points, but in the end holding on and getting a much 
needed 3 pts
However although,  superficially,  the games were the same , in reality they 
were very different.  Last week v Bristol the weather, although awful ,did not 
stop us playing great football and pinging accurate 25 yd balls across the 
pitch and it was only the woodwork, twice,  and 2 brilliant saves / awful 
misses that stopped it being a total rout. Yesterday we were wayward with our 
passes and created few real clear cut chances. 
We were on the front foot from the start and 2 crosses one in the air and one 
right across the 6yd box after great work by Costa just failed to be met by 
Bamford.  Klich  who looks like he has forgotten how to score had a decent 
attempt saved when the ref played an advantage.  A special mention for the ref 
yesterday,  he really tried to let the game flow and played a number of 
advantages , twice ( one apiece) going back and then showing a yellow.  I cant 
remember any really bad decisions so for once the "we only get shit refs" did 
not get an airing
We all groaned and held our breath as the Yorkshire Pirlo went down, played on, 
but then went off injured, possibly a massive blow. 
Ayling decided he is now a goal scorer and lashed one attempt just wide before 
our best move and chance of the half. Some good link up play led to Harrison 
chilling an exquisite pass into the onrushing Alioski who hit it well but the 
keeper had his angled right. They were restricted to one long range shot that 
kiko dived to palm away
0 0 at half time but the mood in yet another full house was content was we all 
felt it was coming.
At the start of the second half klich again found his shooting but not his 
scoring boots with 2 decent efforts from distance.  Then came the match winner, 
Pablo had his first shot blocked but the ball rebounded to him and some 
trickery and some luck took him past a few defenders before a lovely finish 
into the top corner- brilliant finish and brilliant scences in the packed 
We had a few other chances to put the game to bed a good free kick by Pablo 
being the pick of the bunch, but this is Bielsa's Leeds and we rarely make 
things easy on ourselves,  the clock ticked down and the nerves in the crowd 
were being stretched although the confidence was mainly still there, then in 
the 92nd minute the almost unthinkable,  almost inevitable,  almost happened. 
The ball came their player in space inside the 6yd box, however this time it 
was kiko to the rescue and he came out and smothered it, a very important save.
So not at our best in a poor, fairly boring game when the weather was one 
winner,  we were the other with  valuable three points,  and the 11 point gap 
that had been whittled down to goal difference is back up a bit to 5 points, 
and as everyone keeps pointing out  on,y Fulham of the top teams to play. 
This is the defining week for me (again) lose these 2 and end up in 3rd or 4th 
by this time next week and we are almost done for. 6 points and extend the gap 
and things will be very rosy.
We do seem to have turned the corner and winning a scrappy poor game can only 
help the belief 
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