If you are not watching the " wilderness years" on YouTube you are really 
missing out . is 10-15 minute video of Leeds United post Revie , it is 
brilliant both for the football content but also the social commentary,  the 
producer has access to behind the scenes police video and TV clips re 
hooliganism etcAnyway the newest one is the arrival of Allan Clarke as manager 
Starts with stating how low are crowds have got and shows " other available 
entertainment " which includes , the black and white minstrels,  Gary glitter, 
a chance to dine with Prince Andrew, and the to cap it all a chance to meet 
best selling author Jimmy Saviole and to buy his new book " children  - 
stranger danger" I was in stitches watching itIt then goes to the game in 1980 
when Clarke gave out questionnaires to fans at the match asking why fans didn't 
attend any more. I remember getting mine and thinking " you're asking the wrong 
people ' should be asking those who have stopped going , some of the replies 
are enlightening about the state of football 
I did not realise that that was the same weekend I have down as one of my worst 
ever. We lose 5 0 at home to Arsenal - the John Lukic game ( he does not get 
any better watching it all these years later) but it put me in such a bad mood 
my then serious girlfriend finished with me on the Sunday,  so a massive home 
defeat and being dumped in 2 days

( been married to another lady for 36 years so worked out ok)
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Rest in Peace Guy, and wear your hat!

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