Just watched the last episode- absolutely brilliant. I am still feeling hard 
down by with the ban for the late great Frank Worthington, who could have kept 
us up, still believe we will stay up after the Brighton game , and know the 
chip on our collective shoulder is justified,  not only re Worthington but when 
you see the papers after relegation " good riddance " and " Leeds when they 
came up under Revie polluted the first division " - amazing 
Add to that the copper in charge at west brom saying he had to order the baton 
charge and deal with us in a ruthless way because " his men were frightened and 
he genuinely believed we would have killed a few policemen " ( loved the bit 
following that quiote with ' an inspector had his glasses broken '
It was a mental night, though Sniffer of course saw no trouble.  Some great 
clips of as he called us ' the greatest fans in the country' at the game v 
Brighton, all 19,000 of us - remember it well
A brilliant end to a brilliant series- cannot recommend it highly enough for 
both those fans who lived through it and those who missed it. . Really well put 
together with police footage ( esp episodes v Manchester teams) , news items 
and MOTD and the Big Match, plus some social commentary about the times 
.Excellent work
If you haven't seen it - watch all of it, 
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Rest in Peace Guy, and wear your hat!

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