Well what a difference a few days can make - Thursday a half full ER boo the 
players off and walk out all doom and gloom. Sunday a still packed ER is 
bouncing, singing along to I predict a riot and chanting outside the ground, 
all smiles.
It was nearly do different as we threw away our deserved lead just as the added 
time (6mins) was announced.  We made the most of that 6mins with a goal from 
our wonder boy and a great save from our bit wonder.
Jesse picked the expected team and PLAYED PLAYERS IN THEIR PROPER POSITION  - 
Ayling right  back, Klicth  and Forshaw in midfield and with a striker at 
number 9. 
The game itself was decent enough,  we played pretty well with Rodrigo and Raph 
both getting back to the players they can be. We opened the scoring with a long 
ball aimed at Bamford who also had a mainly good 45, the defender headed it 
back and Rodrigo pushed James aside and shot home.  We then bossed the game 
with chance after chance going begging - at 2 nil it would be game over but we 
did not manage it. Raph hit the bar with a great shot after a lovely cross 
field one two with Paddy, Stryik missed an easy header and the easier rebound, 
James scored but was offside, Bamford turned back into championship paddy and 
missed a sitter, Raph hit the bar again with a free kick, James made the keeper 
pull off a good save as chances came and went.
They offered almost nothing for most of the game but the ref who was poor and 
had no control of the game pointed to the penalty spot after a Norwich player 
went down ( not for the first time - thus js very much a Dean Smith team, 
diving, moaning, play acting) but VAR corrected his obvious error :-) ( VAR 
still shit and spolis the game)
We took off Rod and tried to shore thi6gs up with the Koch brought on, I got 
the idea since it did look as if we would not score the second,  but it just I 
voted them on to us and they began to put us under pressure.  So it was no 
great surprise when they got behind us down the wing,  crossed and fired home. 
2 points thrown away and relegation threatening. Then on came Joffy, the boy 
who makes magic happen.  He won a long ball and flicked the header on, Raph 
playing with an energy and determination that has been slightly lacking 
recently,  beat the defender and rounded the keeper , hes taken it too far we 
thought  it he used his know how and looked up and pulled it back to Joffy- 
right place,  right time, right player who hit it I  from a yard. Absolute 
bedlam in the stands - up there with Blackburn and second v scum- we went mental
But still time for drama as their keeper went up for a free kick, caused  chaos 
and the ball fell to pukki (?)   in the 6yd box but his shot hit Mes6who stood 
tall ( may have saved with his face ?)  Brilliant stuff, it's what we go to 
games for, real drama and excitement. 
So the return of Paddy, another bit of magic from Joffy, Raph back to his best, 
and most importantly of all 3 more points. What a difference a few days makes
Loved it
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Rest in Peace Guy, and wear your hat!

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