I’m beginning to worry about the lack of a manager. When (some of) the
players come back next week, who is going to take charge of training for a

I’m expecting around 12 of last years squeal to move on, and won’t be too
sorry to lose half of them.

If that does happen, a combination of last years youngsters and returning
loanees will be decent replacements for half a dozen at this level but
someone is going to have to scout and sign around 6 first team players from
somewhere.  It would be nice if we are not scrambling round for key players
as the season gets going.
With it being a short close season, it will affect our rivals too, but some
of them have had a month’s start in building their squads.
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Dave Dowden, a legend, a Totty Twin, a pie man! R.I.P.

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