Well that was instantly forgettable,  a turgid game in front of as subdued an 
Elland Road crowd as i can remember We started so well, a great goal in  the 
first 10 minutes- Rutter with a beautifully weighted ball to the onrushing 
Summerville who hammered home through the keeper,  1 0 and a goal fest on the 
cards But that goal fest never happened.  We were so superior to them in the  
first half it was almost embarrassing.  They never got a touch inside our box , 
as we were first to everything and played some quick decisive football,  but 
could not get the second that would have put it to bed. The otherwise 
immaculate Rodon missed a simple header at the far post from a corner, 
Summerville put through by another lovely pass by Rutter found his shot blocked 
and other half chances went begging Second half was not quite as comfortable 
but they never looked like scoring , but the worry was always there, my son 
kept telling me we woukd be OK but i was fearing the worst. More chances came 
and went for for us , the 2 subs James and Bamford had chances, james a 
deflected cross that the keeper had to  tip over, and another exquisite ball by 
Rutter put Bamford through, he fired a shot goalwards but the keeper saved. 
Struik managed to fire over from a yard out as the second goal proved elusive 
What i feared almost happened as QPR had their secind shot of the game in the 
final minutes but Meslier came out well and the ball hit him in the chest.
To be honest QPR deserved nothing, not only were they dreadful but bizarrely 
their keeper on 75 mins with his team losing was told to " get on with it" by 
the ref-he wasted time all through the second half, very odd. The other strange 
bit was the fact there were 3 foul throws ( Ayling and 2 of theirs ) all from 
the same spot.
So the game was petering out when a long ball over the top by Struik was missed 
by the defender leaving the ball bouncing between Bamford and the keeper, Paddy 
got a touch and then ended up on the floor , the ref blew for a foul and we all 
knew it was a straight red once the foul was given. The keeprr protested his 
innocence and Bamford seemed to agree with him that no contact had been made. 
All subs had been used so an outfield player went in nets - this should be fun 
we thought but for some reason we never had a shot or put in a cross to test 
him - we even took corners that went short and stayed in the corner rather than 
putting him under pressure.  If Bielsa were still in charge you may think it 
was ' fair play' due to a mistake in sending him off ?So 3 deserved points in a 
fairly championshippy game. Good things, we won, we kept a clean sheet,  Rutter 
is great to watch and made 2 or 3 amazing passes, Bamford looked sharp, and 
Rodon looked quality 
Bad things, failure  to get a second, Piroe is anonymous if not scoring , the 
apathy of the home crowd
Still a return to winning  ways and a chance to make it 6pts with the visit of 
Bristol city to come 
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Dave Dowden, a legend, a Totty Twin, a pie man! R.I.P.

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