*Pictures available at

Birzeit, December 11 1998 -- Birzeit university students took a 
decision yesterday to partially suspend their hunger strike following 
the announcement of the death of Birzeit University student Naser 
I'riqat. I'riqat had been shot in the head by Israeli soldiers during a 
protest in Abu Dis, Jerusalem while he was attempting to bring his 
younger brother down from the roof of their home . While on the 
roof, he was hit by a rubber coated steel bullet in the head, causing 
severe damage to his skull and brain.   

On Thursday, it was announced that Naser's heart had stopped 
and he was declared officially dead. Following a meeting of all the 
political factions involved in the hunger strike, it was decided that 
some students would end the hunger strike in order to observe the 
traditional three day mourning period, and prepare for a funeral 
procession in the middle of Ramallah in Naser's memory. A 
number of students remain on hunger strike and a meeting will be 
held on Monday 14 December to determine future plans.   

The hunger strike had started on Monday in solidarity with the over- 
2000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. One of the student 
leaders told Birzeit News, " With the announcement of Naser's 
death, and also the killing of three more Palestinians over the last 3 
days, we felt that we must stand beside our people. Hundreds of 
messages have come to us over the last few days and we stress 
that some students remain on strike. We will meet on Monday to 
discuss how to proceed with the strike. "   

On Thursday, a large banner was placed on a university building 
commemorating Palestinians from all political factions who had 
been killed over the last few years. Classes were cancelled as 
hundreds of students gathered in front of the tents of the hunger 
strikers to hear speeches by student leaders in Naser's memory.   

Following the rally on campus, bus loads of students went to 
Ramallah to march in memory of Naser. Over one thousand people 
joined the procession as it weaved its way through the center of 
Ramallah. The march ended in a protest in the pouring rain at the 
outskirts of Ramallah where the Israeli army fired on participants 
with rubber coated metal bullets, live ammunition and tear gas. 
Several students were injured, none seriously.   


The Human Rights Action Project was established at 
Birzeit University in 1977 to monitor the growing 
human rights violations against Birzeit students 
and staff by the Israeli military authorities.  
Birzeit University is an independent Palestinian 
university 24 kilometers north of Jerusalem in the 
Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Human Rights Action Project (HRAP)
Public Relations Office
Birzeit University
P.O. Box 14, Birzeit
West Bank via Israel

Tel: +972-2-298-2059
Fax: +972-2-295-7656


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1) General news, press releases and announcements about the 
university.  E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be added.

2) Birzeit Website Announcements - news about what's new on 
Birzeit's website and developments in the Palestinian Web
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