Reminder for 19th February:
     "The Value of Knowledge: why has knowledge become a commodity,
      is it inevitable, and what can be done about it?"
This is a one-day seminar is concerned with how knowledge is increasingly
taking on the form of a tradeable commodity. The following themes will be
* The history of the concept of Value from Adam Smith and the Physiocrats
  through the marcoeconomics of Keynes and Friedman up to Rational Decision
  Theory which treats families as "firms producing utility" like any other 
  factory and the Complexity Theorists modelling the world as a network of 
  little Turing Machines sending messages to each other.
* The Theory of Knowledge from the Classical period up to Post-structuralism 
  and Liberation Epistemology.
* The revelance of Hegelian conceptions to resolving the problems of
  analysis, in particular the relation between Value & Knowledge.
* Ethics and political economy.
The Seminar will presented by Andy Blunden, with plenty of time for discussion.
*       For further information phone Kathryn Clarke on 9344 8985            *
*       or email Kathryn at [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     *
*  Andy Blunden, WWW =        *
*  Home = [EMAIL PROTECTED] Work = [EMAIL PROTECTED]        *
*  tel 061 3 9380 9435 (H) 3 9344 7064 (W) 3 9348 2253 (F)        *
* Value of Knowledge:      *



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