Please circulate!!! 

Please fax this back to (02) 6247 4669 or email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
by Friday 12 February 1999



This survey aims to gather the views of women on their experiences of
pregnancy and work to inform WEL's submission to the National Inquiry into
Pregnancy and Work being conducted by the Human Rights and Equal
Opportunity Commission.

The survey was prepared by the NSW Office of the Director of Equal
Opportunity in Public Employment (ODEOPE), and has been distributed through
the NSW public service. ODEOPE has given WEL permission to use the survey
more broadly.

Please complete this survey if you are a woman who has returned to work
after a pregnancy within the last 3 years. Replies will be kept strictly

1. Have you ever taken maternity leave? oYes oNo
2. If yes, how many times? ________
3. Who did you approach to find out about your entitlements?
4. On the last occasion, did you take paid maternity leave? oYes oNo
If NO, what was the reason? ________________________________________________
5. Did you take any additional leave? oYes oNo
If YES, how many weeks _________ weeks of PAID leave________ weeks of UNPAID
6. Did you return to work full-time or part-time? oFull-time oPart-time
7. Do you usually work full-time or part-time? oFull-time oPart-time
8. When you returned to work, what was the level of the job?
oThe same as or equivalent level as the job you held before oA higher level
oA lower level job
Comments on the level/type of work you returned to __________________________
9. Was your workplace supportive during the pregnancy? oYes oNo
Please give details______________________________________________________
10. Since your return to work, have you used flexible work practices (eg
            part-time work, working from home) to meet your family
            oYes oNo
If yes, which? o part time work o career break schemes
ojob sharing oworking from home occasionally
o part-year employment o working from home regularly
o variable-year employment o varying flexible hours
o part-time leave without pay o short absences for family reasons
11. Since your return to work, has your employer/manager been supportive?
oYes oNo
12. Since your return to work, have your colleagues been supportive?
           oYes oNo
13. Did you encounter any workplace problems about your return to work?
            oYes oNo
14. Have you ever lodged a complaint about any issue connected with
            pregnancy or return to work after pregnancy? oYes oNo
If YES, please give details _________________________________________________
15.       Do you have any other comments or suggestions for

This survey is anonymous. Please provide the following information to
assist analysis:
Are you an Aboriginal person or Torres Strait Islander? oYes oNo
What language did you first speak as a child? oEnglish oOther language
Are you a person with a disabiltiy? oYes oNo
Please describe your type of employer
(eg public service, small business) 
Where is your workplace? Suburb/Town _____________________ Postcode __________
What is your current annual salary? _______________
How many hours per week are you now working? _____________________

Thank you for completing this survey on pregnancy and work.

Please return your form to : Helen Leonard, Women's Electoral Lobby
Australia, PO Box 191, Civic Square ACT 2608, Fax (02) 6247 4667, Email

Please fax this back to (02) 6247 4669 or email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
by Friday 12 February 1999


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