Dear Left Linkers

On July 10, Aryan Nations and hooded Klansmen will once again march in Coeur
d'Alene, Idaho in the United States of America.  At last year's parade,
there were 90 white supremacists and over 500 civil rights protesters.
This year, Anti-Racist Action (ARA) and United Front Against Fascism  (UFAF)
are joining forces as Coalition Against Nazis (CAN) to organize a  large,
orderly, militant counter-protest to this parade.  We are mobilizing
advocates of civil rights across the Northwest U.S. and Canada to make sure
the world knows Nazis can't hide in Idaho! 

Some think fascists should be ignored

Aryan Nations feels at home in Idaho.  That's because the official  policy
of Coeur d'Alene business leaders, city officials and the Kootenai  County
Task Force on Human Relations has been that Nazis are best ignored.
Mayor Steve Judy is urging everyone to turn their backs on the  Hitlerites
and "avoid the parade," as he did last year.  The Kootenai County  Task
Force on Human Relations, which in 1998 led civil rights advocates
out-of-state for a rally while the Aryans took over one of their streets, is
 hosting a human rights celebration on July 10, in Coeur d'Alene, but far
away  from the fascists' march.
Business leaders who are heavily dependent on tourism would just like the
publicity created by the civil rights protest to disappear.  After all,  who
wants to vacation in a state that is world famous for bigotry and racist

Shine the light on Aryan Nations

CAN believes that the extreme right cannot be ignored.  White supremacists
multiply when they can convince their recruits that they are "superior"
because of their capacity for violence and frightening people. The best
antidote for their propaganda is community mobilizations which show that the
majority are not afraid and will stand up for each other and for equality. 
That's why we urge the city's civic, religious, and political  spokespeople
to lead a civil rights protest at the site of the Aryan Nations parade.

What Australian supporters can do to help

[1] Share this message with a friend.

[2] Endorse CAN's demonstration.  We want to show support from a broad array
of  people of color, feminist, radical, Jewish, labor, environmental, gay
and youth organizations from around the world. 
Send endorsements from Australia c/- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Or c/- PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic 3055 or phone Alison Thorne on

[3] Sign the pledge below and send it to Coeur d'Alene Mayor Judy. 
Circulate it on the  Internet.  Urge others to sign and send one as well.

This is a good year to take a stand against Aryan Nations.  You'll be
standing up for Matthew Shepard, murdered by homophobes in Wyoming; for
James Byrd Jr., killed by the KKK in Texas; for Daniel Shersty and Lin
Newborn, assassinated by Nazi skinheads in Las Vegas; for your friends, your
neighbors and yourself.
Be part of the multi-racial solution to the divide and conquer ideology of
the fascists and  help us to make history in Idaho this summer!
Luma Nichol
Coordinator, United Front Against Fascism

Pledge to Protest the Aryan Nations 

Dear Mayor Steve Judy and City Council,

When the Aryan Nations march in Coeur d'Alene, I pledge to support those who
protest their hate-mongering and violence.  I urge you to join the advocates
of equality and anti-fascism by leading this counter-protest and protecting
the constitutional rights to free speech of myself and others who believe in
a multi-racial society cleansed of all forms of bigotry.
Send to:  Coeur d'Alene City Hall:  710 E Mullan, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814, 
(208)769-2284 fax [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Coalition Against Nazis
PO Box 8775, Moscow, Idaho 83843  (208)992-9755 

Yes, I'll endorse C.A.N.'s civil rights protest of the Aryan Nations
in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, July 10, 1999*



City/state                                      Zip

Phone(s)                                                        e-mail


____    This is an organizational endorsement.

____    This is an individual endorsement, affiliation listed for
identification only.

*Your or your organization's name will be used in future notices for
events to help build public support for the demonstration.

C.A.N. Contacts:
--United Front Against Fascism:  5018 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98118,
 (206)722-2506ph, (206)7237691 fax, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--Anti-Racist Action Calgary:  P.O. Box 23147, Connaught P.O., Calgary Ab,
T2S 3B1, Canada(403)221-0098 ext.111-0107,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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