Kakadu National Park in Danger
Australian Government betrays the world

The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
July 20th, 1999. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
Webpage: http://www.peg.apc.org/~guardian
Subscription rates on request.

By Peter Mac
The Jabiluka mine comprises a huge scar on the pristine landscape
of the Northern Territory's magnificent Kakadu National Park. The
mine has desecrated the sacred site of the local Mirrar people,
and will produce uranium ore with potentially damaging
implications for the park environment.

Continuation of the project would involve the ore being processed
at the nearby Ranger mine, which would of necessity remain in use
indefinitely, rather than being closed down as previously
envisaged. The joint working of the two mine sites would
necessitate the construction of a major new road connecting them.
The Kakadu National Park has been placed on the World Heritage
List of places of major natural importance. Yet the World
Heritage Commission last week succumbed to pressure from the
Howard Government to refrain from listing the Park environment as
endangered by the mining activities.

Earlier this year specialist advisers on World Heritage from
Australia and elsewhere were unanimous in their finding that the
mine would jeopardise the Park environment and would justify it
being listed by the World Heritage Committee (WHC) as "in

They pointed out that 13 out of 17 crucial issues with regard to
the mine had still not been addressed by the Government and the
mining proponents.

Nevertheless, the World Heritage Bureau (the peak advisory body
to the WHC) failed to endorse unequivocally its specialist
organisations' findings that the Park was endangered by the mine.

Despite all the evidence to the contrary, the WHC itself went on
to declare that the mine would not immediately endanger the Park.
The sole dissenting voice within the Committee was the
representative of Cuba.

The WHC has something of a reputation for dodging controversy. It
has traditionally exhibited extreme reluctance to list sites as
endangered -- or even as significant --  where there is strong
local opposition to the listing proposal.

But this in itself is not enough to explain the extraordinary
action of the WHC in declaring that the Park is not threatened by
the mine.

Instead, the answer lies in the activities of the Australian
Government. Throughout the protracted negotiations leading up to
the WHC findings, the Government carried out an intensive and
extremely well-funded lobbying campaign to support the mine

This was effective at the crucial early stage of discussions on
the issue by the Bureau, which decided to break with its normal
convention of open discussion by Bureau members and instead held
private talks with the Australian Government with a view to
formulating recommendations to the WHC.

The resulting recommendations from the Bureau, which were notably
equivocal on the endangerment issue, were criticised by many
environmental organisations. The Wilderness Society commented:

"It appears that the enormous political pressure brought to bear
by the Australian Government on Bureau members through its multi-
million dollar lobbying campaign is working. It will punch a
fatal hole in the integrity of the World Heritage Convention if
it is shown that political pressure and deals can override
science in global forums."

The "hole" in the integrity of the WHC is now very large indeed.
At future Jabiluka mine shareholder meetings, the Wilderness
Society and other organisations will be using the reports of the
specialist advisers to the WHC to argue against the decision of
the WHC itself.

This is not the first time the Australian Government has betrayed
the world on a crucial environmental issue.

Two years ago, when it was becoming increasingly clear that the
whole world weather pattern was changing drastically because of
the emission of greenhouse gases, the Howard Government forced
the international conference on climate change at Kyoto to accept
Australia's position as the only participating nation whose
emission of greenhouse gases would actually increase under the
Kyoto agreement.

On this occasion also, and again at vast expense to the
Australian taxpayer, the full weight of the Government was used
to bring about a decision favourable to big mining companies and

In so doing the Government not only contributed to the worsening
of climate change but also weakened the resolve of the
international community to tackle the problem.

The effects of greenhouse gases are now becoming starkly evident.
The world weather pattern is changing, with annual average world
temperatures rising, and with terrible outcomes such as multiple
forest fires and the death of vast areas of the world's wonderful
coral reefs.

There is evidence of significant melting of the polar ice caps,
which if continued would result in the flooding of vast areas of
the world's low-lying countries.

Most of the land area of Bangladesh and all the surface area of
many of the islands of the Pacific would disappear, with
consequent mass death from drownings and starvation.

None of this matters to the representatives of big business such
as Prime Minister Howard or members of his Government. After the
WHC finding was announced, then Deputy Prime Minister Tim Fischer
sneered that Kakadu was "overrated" anyway.

The sole concern of the Government is that the profits of the big
corporations should not be placed on the endangered list because
of environmental issues.

It is becoming increasingly evident that the real danger to the
world's natural environment lies in the infinite greed of capital
and its representatives in government.
The Guardian  65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. 2010
Website:  http://www.peg.apc.org/~guardian


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