
The picket at the Indonesian embassy in Yarralumla could use some more
volunteers (especially at night). The turnout during the day is good, the
ACT Trades and Labour Council is doing a great job organising it, along with
various religious groups and Amnesty International. I could use some company
during the small hours, last night was just myself and a busload of cops
from 1am until 8:30am. If you're in Canberra please take some time out to
visit whenever you can. Bring some old shoes, some candles and whatever you
need to eat and drink.

This morning I was lucky (unlucky?) enough to be able to harrass the Prime
Minister on his morning walk about the East Timor situation. Surrounded by
guards with another couple of car loads bringing up the rear the opportunity
was limited.

Me: morning Prime Minister
Him: hello
Me: some action on East Timor please
Him: what!!!!
Me: Can we have some action on East Timor please?
Him: we're doing we what we can
Me: do you want a pair of shoes?
Him: hmmmmph

There is a massive pile of shoes there representing what is left of the
people that have died in East Timor.

On Sunday there is a charity concert (for East Timor) outside the Indonesian
embassy from 12pm, choirs, country music. more details later in the day.

See you there comrades.


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