CNRT National Council for Timorese Resistance
 MEDIA RELEASE For immediate release: 
1130 AustralianEST, Wednesday 8 September 1999  

"The international community must intervene immediately...or there will 
be no East Timor."  

Jo=E3o Carrascal=E3o
Head of CNRT in Australia
President of UDT (Timorese Democratic Union)

The Field Commander of Falintil, Taun Matan Ruak, called today from 
his base in the mountains of East Timor. He made an impassioned plea 
for help and detailed further atrocities committed by the Indonesian 
military machine as it continues its genocide and ethnic cleansing 

Taun Matan Ruak said: "The international community must intervene 
urgently in East Timor -- or tomorrow there will be no Timor to save. "I 
call on Timorese everywhere to mobilise to press in every way they can 
for international intervention."  

Taun Matan Ruak made a special appeal to Australia: "Our thanks to 
you for what you are doing. But we need more help. Do not forget, 
Australia, that we were there to help when Australia needed us, dying in 
these very mountains to save Australian troops."   

The situation in Dili: "It is chaotic. People are fleeing to the mountains, 
being arrested, killed and forced on to trucks to go to West Timor. 
"Some East Timorese in the police force have been murdered, some 
have fled to the mountains to join us. "Indonesia is disarming Battalion 
744 (an East Timorese territorial battalion); the Indonesians do not trust 

The situation in the Districts: Suai: "The Indonesians attacked and 
destroyed the church at Suai yesterday. Of 2000 people taking refuge 
there, they will 100-200, including two priests and two nuns." Ermera: 
"They attacked the church. All the priest and nuns and everyone 
sheltering there fled to a hiding place and are safe at present. 
Commander Ular (the local Falintil commander) says they are seeking 
safety in the mountains." Manatuto: "The church was attacked. Father 
Domingos and the people sheltering there escaped to the mountains. 
Father Eduardo and another group are also on their way into the 
mountains. Laleia, Ossu and Venilale: "Some residents and some local 
armed people got away from the military. We are trying to find them to 
stop them sacrificing themselves in a hopeless local fight back. That is 
going to be difficult; they are very determined people."   

The situation in the mountains: "There are tens of thousands of refugees 
in the mountains now; they are in a terrible situation. "They are hungry, 
thirsty, sick and in abject misery. "The roads are blocked, food is very 
short already. "We are hungry, but we are doing everything we can to 
save our people."   

Issued on behalf of CNRT by Geoffrey Heard & Associates Melbourne, 
GH&A provides this service free to aid the suffering people of East 

. . . . . .

National Council for Timorese Resistance
For immediate release: 0930 AustralianEST, Wednesday 8 September 1999

Indonesia's ethnic cleansing target: kill 344,580 East Timorese

Jo=E3o Carrascal=E3o
Head of CNRT in Australia
President of UDT (Timorese Democratic Union)

Hitler would be envious -- just 96 hours after the United Nations 
declared that 78.5 per cent of East Timorese had voted for freedom 
from Indonesian oppression, the fascist Indonesian military machine 
and its civil government collaborators like Foreign Minister, Ali 
Alatas, are well on their way to their target of exterminating 
344,580 East Timorese.  

They will also kill tens of thousands more -- innocent children.

These people will die, shot, hacked, tortured, raped and starved to 
death, unless the free, democratic nations of the world confront 
Indonesia today, in every international forum and on the ground in 
East Timor.  

The figure of 344,580 is the number of people who voted for 
independence in the UN ballot, trusting in the assurances of sincere 
workers for the United Nations and from governments, including 
Australia and Portugal, that they could vote in safety and live to 
enjoy freedom afterwards.  

But documents circulated in the Indonesian military and auxiliary 
pseudo-militia forces before the ballot said that those voting should 
be carefully noted, and every voter for independence should be wiped 
out after the ballot ... regardless of the result.  

Those plans were put into action within an hour of the declaration of 
the ballot.  

In the 1970s, 200,000 East Timorese died when the the Indonesian 
military dictatorship launched an all-out campaign against the 
independence movement. That kept the lid on the movement for two 

There can be no doubt that this time, their aim is more ambitious -- 
to wipe out the East Timorese independence movement for ever. That 
means wiping out every East Timorese who voted for independence.  

We reiterate Taun Matan Ruak's appeal to all nations -- please help 
now. If you don't, there will be no East Timor tomorrow.  

Issued on behalf of CNRT by Geoffrey Heard & Associates
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
GH&A provides this service free to aid the suffering people of East 

Geoffrey Heard
GH&A Public Relations
Tel: +61 3 9583 0788
GH&A provides a free PR and information service to CNRT to support 
people of East Timor in their struggle for freedom.


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