Earth Matters
Programme 82b

Juliet Fox
3CR Community Radio
03 9419 8377
Comradsat Programme 10/9/1999

INTRO : "Thanks for joining me, I'm Juliet Fox and ..."
OUTRO : "... see you then."
DURATION : 26"30 (frogs til 27"30)

Dr Helen Caldicott on Ecology and the Human Spirit

Today on Earth Matters we hear excerpts from an address by Dr Helen
Caldicott to an audience in Oregon, in the United States. Helen is a world
renowned environmental activist, founding President of Physicians for
Social Responsibility and author of many books, including "Nuclear Madness"
and "If you love this Planet".

Helen speaks out on multinationals ruling the world, the fundamental
problems of the consumerist society and the arrival of genetically
engineered food and farming. She also talks about her personal passion and
commitment to a safer future, and how surely all of humanity cares about
the planet their children will inherit and will therfore act in its best

We also hear readings from an article in the Los Angeles Times last year by
Helen on America's nuclear dealings with China - it's push for more nuclear
technology as the answer to global warming and the US nuclear industry's
encroachment into countries such as China and Indonesia.

Three excerpts from Helen courtesy of Alternative Radio @ 5-6" each,
interspersed by two readings from the LA Times article @ 1" and 2" and music.


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