Hi Friends,

The campaign for free and continual computer access for prisoners in NSW
Australia has moved on rapidly.

Politically, in the lower house the opposition spokesperson Brad Hazzard
has "expressed concern over action taken by the Dept in refusing to allow
the provision of computers..."  And "...it is time that the Minister
responded by pointing out to the Dept that computers are needed for
educational purposes and for proper preparation of inmates' court cases."

The independents have already indicated their support on the issue and
together with the opposition  constitute a majority in the upper house.

On the ground, the Department represented by Senior Assistant Commissioner
Ron Woodham (discredited by his behavior exposed by the Nagle Royal
Commission and ICAC) directed that the computers that were donated and
already being used be dismantled and returned immediately. Promptly a van
turned up the next morning at the Justice Action office with the computers
escorted by an education officer and a prisoner.

Unfortunately JA didn't have any room for the computers. The disappointed
prisoner and education officer had to take them back to the jail.

We have had requests for further computers from other states through their
prisoner committees, sanctioned by management, and will be continuing the
supplies. We are also surprised by the number of prisoners doing computer
courses and with hardware ability. Both women and men are keen as mustard.

Brett Collins
Breakout Design & Print (coordinator)
Justice Action (a spokesperson)
19 Buckland St, Chippendale, NSW 2008, Australia
P.O. Box 386, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia
voice: 61-2-9281-5100 fax: 9281-5303

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