Please publicise UTLC meeting this Friday 16/9/99 Trades Hall Bishop
Auditorium and bring workers, activists and friends.
Special speaker Kim Beazley at 5.30pm on Employment and other issues.
SA activities on East Timor with Andy Alcock and others.

Note also this Saturday 12.30 pm Gawler Place and Rundle Mall protest on
East Timor.

Note also Health Workers Rally this Saturday No More Bed Closures
Assemble 11am Victoria Square and then picnic in Elder Park.
Labor Day Rally. Friday 1st October Assemble Vic Square 12pm to protest
against Peter Reith and East Timor.
Diary date for Union activists. Greg Combet at UTLC Public meeting 15th
October 5.30pm Trades Hall.
More Deatails contact Chris White UTLC 82123155


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