A fundraiser for a Land Justice Forum for the Yorta Yorta people
in their struggle for recognition of their native title.

Performers include Deb Conway, Tiddas, Anthony Morgan, Rebecca Barnard, The
Dave Graney Show, Archie Roach, Shane O'Mara, Jim Cadman, Ruby Hunter,
Kutcha Edwards & Friends, Painters & Dockers, Kelli Howel, Raymond J
Bartholomeuz, and special guests...

Saturday 30 October; 8pm
Trades Hall
Corner Victoria & Lygon Streets
Carlton South

$12 / $8 Concession

Victorian Trades Hall Council
Trade Unionists for Land Rights
Students for Land Justice and reconciliation

Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 03 9419 5045   Fax: 03 9416 2746



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