Hear the latest on events in East Timor

Tuesday 22 February 2000 at 6.30pm
New International Bookshop
Trades Hall, Corner Victoria and Lygon Streets
Carlton South

It is hoped that Fretilin Leader Father Filomeno, from Dili, who is 
visiting Australia, will be at the meeting to give you the latest on the 
political and humanitarian situation.

There will be readings from "Flight 642: Jakarta to Dili" by Jane Nicholls, 
who was in Dili for the August 1999 referendum and has written a book based 
on her experiences while working for the CNRT pro-independence campaign and 
living in a Fretilin safe house, which also served as the Office of the 
Fretilin Central Committee.

by Jane Nicholls (Bruce Sims Books)

Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 03 9419 5045   Fax: 03 9416 2746



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