Centuries of Progress?
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media release


Tel:  61(0)8 9277-1533  Mobile:  041993-0375    Fax:  61(0)8 9478-4204

E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       URL:    http://www.omen.net.au/~dicwc

Patron: Elder Dr Jack Davis, AO, MBE

16th February 1999      

 From a Loaf of Bread to a 'Packet of biscuits'- Two Centuries of Progress?

"A decade ago, the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody 
(RCIADIC) recommended that throughout Australia, imprisonment should be a 
sanction of last resort."

Recommendation 92:
That governments which have not already done so should legislate to enforce 
the principle that imprisonment should be utilised only as a sanction of 
last resort.

"This was and is nothing new to a civilised society, it also reflects the 
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and contemporary 
thinking by the Judiciary.  The Watch Committee strongly supports Federal 
moves to review and hopefully remove the shameful process of mandatory 
sentencing from our society."  Said Ms Kath Mallott, the Executive Officer 
of the Watch Committee.

"The reported rejoinder of Western Australia's State Premier, Richard 
Court, that 'Mr Williams, (the Federal Attorney General) should write to 
the people who are bashed...' clearly shows his level of Justice 
administration is based on revenge and his desire to appease some, 
justifiably, angry victims of crime, rather than tackle the more difficult 
option of addressing the causes of crime."

"The state-sanctioned death of any person is an horrific proposition, but 
for any State or Territory government to support laws which facilitate 
death is to be condemned in the strongest possible terms.  I am therefore 
shocked at the lack of compassion displayed by some politicians and 
talk-back radio participants, who, following the very tragic death of the 
15 year old boy in the Northern Territory made comments such as '...well if 
he hadn't broken the law, he wouldn't have been in jail...'.  This, and 
other like comments,  are a shameful attempt to justify a child's death at 
the cost of a packet of texta colours and it is indicative of a sickness 
within our society.  Surely, it is obvious to our political leaders that 
any law, Mandatory Sentencing or otherwise, that facilitates the death of a 
juvenile is a bad law and must be repealed."  Ms Mallott said.

"But, we must not just see this tragedy in the Northern Territory in 
isolation from its own reality - and that is the disgusting rate of 
over-incarceration of Indigenous Australians."

"In Western Australia we incarcerate Indigenous citizens at a rate that 
surely must approach that of South Africa at the height of Apartheid.  A 
rate that saw South Africa ostracised from civilised society for 
years.  There is clearly a double standard in the manner in which the 
broader International community has chosen to turn a blind eye to the 
shameful reality of what it means to be Aboriginal in Western 
Australia."  Ms Mallott stated.

"One can only hope that a visit by the President of the United Nations to 
our country brings with it a human dimension, and a moral obligation to 
some of our politicians?"

"I am ashamed to call myself an Australian." She concluded.
Media Contact:  Kath Mallott    Executive Officer       08 9277-1533    041993-0375

Deaths In Custody Watch Committee (WA) Inc)
119 Mathieson Road, REDCLIFFE, Western Australia,  6104

"The beginning of the cause of deaths in custody does not occur within the
confines of police and prison cells or in the minds of the victims.
Initially it starts in the minds of those who allow it to happen."
Elder Dr. Jack Davis (OA, MBE)

* [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 http://www.omen.net.au/~dicwc *


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