RMIT University's School of Social Science is convening a 2 day workshop 
"Working with the New Victorian Government: the Social Policy Agenda" for 
Managers and Leaders in Local Government, Community Services, & Trade 
Unions. The Overall Aim is to hold a dialogue between politicians, senior 
bureaucrats, the community sector, trade unions and students in the Masters 
of Social Science (Policy and Management) course on the social policies of 
the new Victorian government.

Why have this dialogue?

So that the various players in the social policy arena can together :
* engage in the issues of the new government's agenda;
* air the variety of perspectives involved with this agenda;
* learn from each other, peers, decisionmakers and students of social 
policy; and
* identify opportunities for social advocacy.

$250 for the whole 2 days, includes morning and afternoon teas.
$200 for one day.

Please apply by 22 March.

For further information and enquiries,
please contact: Jinette de Gooijer,
Ph. 9925 2708, Fax 9925 1078 or

I'd appreciate any help you can give me in publicising the workshop. All 
enquiries can be made to the contact above,
Thank you,
Jinette de Gooijer



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