Participate in plenaries, projects, planning protests and meet the people
piecing together the parts of the Sydney Olympics puzzle

We are planning:

A one-day event designed to kit activists with the goods to hit the streets
about what the people and environment are experiencing as a result of
Sydney hosting the Olympic Games. Come along to meet community groups
working on issues such as homelessness, police powers, toxic waste near the
Games site and more. Find out about the issues, and join with others in
planning for action.

Date: Saturday 13 May 2000

Please find the draft proposal attached.

What I would like to know now is:

1. Would you like to help organise?
People are needed to:
*coordinate plenary
*coordinate briefings, including a 'call for papers'
*coordinate calendar
*Coordinate logistics - venue, dates, refreshments, and tickets (?)
*coordinate publicity
*coordinate planning session

2. Would you like to prepare a briefing talk for the forum. This would
involve a 15 minutes talk, and accompanying 'briefing paper'. It should
focus on an impact people or the environment is suffering due to the
hosting of the Games. It must be brief, and so focus on the key issue/s in
your area. What are the main problems? What are the solutions/responses
taken or planned.

3. Can you suggest anybody who may be interested in coming along, preparing
a talk, or helping organise this event?

Let me know ASAP, and please pass on this email

Louise Boon-Kuo
UTS Community Law and Legal Research Centre
Ph: 9514 2915 (direct)
Fx: 9514 2919
PO Box 123 Broadway NSW 2007



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