For LeftLinkers in Melbourne -- 

Radical Women Meeting:
Wednesday, 12 April, 7.00 pm

Will tampons be the lever that topples this shamelessly regressive tax?

Howard's barefaced move to shift responsilibity for the economic crisis from
the rich to the poor has created a powerful opposition -- women!

Women are angry, and on the move. We can see that we are being taxed FOR
BEING WOMEN. But we also know that we have to bring down the WHOLE GST --
the tax that makes workers pay the price, while big business takes the
profit. Women's leadership has transformed inactive resentment against the
looming Goods & Services Tax into organised resistance.

Join us in a lively discussion of the GST, based on Marita Borton's
hard-hitting article, "Government officials in hot water over planned new
tax on tampons," in the latest issue of the "Freedom Socialist"
newspaper --
and what is needed to defeat it!

Everyone is welcome.

Where: Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick.
Dinner is served at 6.15 pm for a $6 donation. 
Phone: (03) 9386 3230



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