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Earth Matters
Program 97b

Juliet Fox
3CR Community Radio
03 9419 8377
ComRadSat Program 7/4/2000
INTRO : "Hello and welcome to =85"
OUTRO : "... next time."
DURATION : 26'45" (frogs til 27'45")

UN looks in to depleted uranium in Kosovo
March 24th was the first anniversary of the NATO bombing of Kosovo.
Throughout the conflict thousands of rounds of ammunition containing
depleted uranium were used, leaving a toxic legacy for generations to come.
Last year Earth Matters brought you news of the use of depleted uranium
with an interview with Radoje Lausevic of the Serbian Ecological Society in

Just recently the United Nations Balkans Task Force finalised its
investigation in to the environmental consequences of depleted uranium. As
early as last year they had determined that the Kosovo conflict did not
cause an environmental catastrophe affecting the Balkans region as a whole,
and now they say that NATO has not supplied them with sufficient
information to carry out environmental and human health impact assessments
- including that of the consequences of depleted uranium. Today we hear
from activist Jane Howarth about the issue.
IN: "Well it's very unclear =85"
OUT: "=85 pursue this issue."
DUR: c 10'

Australia's fishing industry and sustainability
There are many examples around the world of fishing industries having to
completely shut down due to overfishing. Partly in an attempt to face such
issues, the Australian government is currently looking at sustainability
and Australia's fishing industry. Today we hear from Paddy O'Leary is the
Regional Coordinator of the Marine and Coastal Community Network in the
Northern Territory, about the process and the concerns.
IN: "Firstly Paddy =85
OUT: "=85 definitely a no go."
DUR: 11:46

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