John Hallam
Friends of the Earth Sydney,
17 Lord Street, Newtown, NSW, Australia, 2042
Fax (61)(2)9517-3902  ph (61)(2)9517-3903


Activists dressed as Alexander Downer and Bill Clinton together with a 
statue of liberty and two mock nuclear missiles and green MLC Lee Rhiannon, 
gathered outside the Prime Ministers office today to demand that the 
Government take a stronger stance toward the nuclear weapons states as the 
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review conference looms in the UN, April 

Activists have cautiously welcomed the ratification of the START-II
agreement by Russia, but warn that much more needs to be done.

According to John Hallam of Friends of the Earth,
"The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review demands a better policy than
mere damage control, which seems to be the only thing that Mr. Downers
office has in mind."

"If the NPT Review conference is to stay on the rails, what we need is
clear and continued movement toward the implementation of the obligations
of the nuclear weapons states under articleVI of the single most nearly
universal treaty in the world, the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. Under
article VI of the NPT, which has been in force since 1970, the nuclear
weapons states are obliged to eliminate their nuclear arsenals 'at an early
date'. After 30 years this hasn't happened and the whole world wants to
know why."

"The Start-II ratification by Russia certainly represents some sort of
progress, but much more needs to be done if the nuclear weapons states are
to fulfill their article VI obligations and set the world free from the
threat of global catastrophe.The steps outlined in Australias own Canberra
Commission set out a logical and practical way to rid the world of nuclear
weapons, and the government should pursue that agenda."

Resolutions demanding progress to fulfill the obligations of the nuclear
weapons states have now been passed in the parliaments of New Zealand,
Canada, and in the Australian Senate. Last week, 374 organizations
worldwide sent a letter to all NPT signatories plus India, Pakistan and
Israel, asking that the weapons states fulfill their legal obligations
under the treaty.

Contact: John Hallam 9517-3903 h9810-2598 m0415-202060


The Australian Peace Committee and Friends of the Earth on Palm Sunday
(today) extended a cautious welcome to the ratification of START-II by the
Russian Duma in the leadup to the Review Conference of the Nuclear
Nonproliferation Treaty from April 24-May19th at the UN in New York, but
urged the Australian government to do more.

The NPT review conference will be attended by representatives from every
country on earth except India, Pakistan, Israel, and Cuba. It will help to
determine whether the world proceeds toward the elimination of nuclear
weapons or to resumed  nuclear arms - racing. Alexander Downer will attend.

According to Irene Gale AM of the Australian Peace Committee and John
Hallam of Friends of the Earth,
"While the ratification of START-II by the Duma is undoubtedly welcome, and
help to lift a little the pall of gloom that had started to settle on the
NPT Review, with the UN secretary general warning that the nuclear arms
control agenda has ground to a halt and may go into reverse, Fridays events
do not by any means take us out of the woods. The Duma's ratification is
highly conditional. Specifically it is conditional on the US agreeing to
abide by 1997 agreements on the ABM treaty, and on the US not deploying a
national ballistic missile defence system, which the US has so far appeared
committed to deploy. This is and continues to be a major sticking point.

Even if it were not for this major glitch, the doomsday machines of the US
and Russia remain intact. Currently there are some 5,000 warheads total on
land- based ICBMs that can be launched at a moments notice. Even after
START-II is fully implemented, it will still be possible to destroy
civilization in about half an hour given the right sequence of events.

Finally there is the danger that this development, welcome as it is, will
take the pressure off the US and Russia to do more. The ratification is a
welcome move in the right direction but we must keep on moving toward the
negotiation and implementation of a START-III agreement and the elimination
of all nuclear weapons on an urgent basis.

The Australian Government in particular needs to do more to press the
weapons states to put aside their differences over BMD and to proceed
rapidly to the complete elimination of nuclear weapons. To that end it must
seek to implement the commonsense recommendations of the Canberra
Commission and should stand in solidarity with those nations that have
already resolved to do so, Ireland, Sweden, New Zealand, South Africa, and
the New Agenda coalition."

'Alexander Downer' and 'Bill Clinton' will do a palm- Sunday tango with
nuclear missiles outside prime Minister Howards office in Philip St Sydney
at 2-3pm, 16/4. Similar events are planned for Perth, Melbourne and

For details contact John Hallam 9517-3903, m0415-202060
Irene Gale 08-8364-2291


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