media release

PO Box 8196 Perth WA 6849
Tel:  61(0)8 9227-5751
Mobile:  041993-0375
Fax:  61(0)8 9227-5593


Tuesday, 23 May 2000

ANOTHER DEATH IN WA JAIL: Second death in 2 days

Another young man died in the WA prison system today.  He was a 27-year-old 
inmate of the Albany Regional Prison, who was found hanging when his cell 
was unlocked this morning.

This is the third prison death to occur in 2 weeks, and The Deaths In 
Custody Watch Committee holds grave concern for the safety and well-being 
of all inmates in the WA system,

"This is a shameful statistic that again highlights the chaotic conditions 
that exist within the jails in Western Australia," Said Kath Mallott, 
Executive Officer of the Watch Committee.

"Inmates are unable to access adequate health and psychiatric treatment 
because the jails are so overcrowded and health services are stretched to 
the limit.  This not only puts prisoners at risk but has also put enormous 
strain on prison medical personnel who are struggling to cope with the 
increase in prison musters."

The Watch Committee today renewed its call for the Ombudsman to immediately 
release the findings of his investigation into the causes of prison deaths 
in Western Australia.  His investigation was launched on 7 February 1998 
and was due to report to Parliament in September 1998.  The parliament and 
the people of WA are still waiting for his findings to be tabled.  This 
organisation has contacted his office every month since September 1998 and 
questioned the relevance of a report that is so out of date.  In view of 
the 'deathly silence' from the Ombudsman we call for a Royal Commission 
into the causes of prison deaths in WA.

The Government must move immediately to reduce the imprisonment rate in 
this State and to implement Recommendation 92 of the Royal Commission Into 
Aboriginal Deaths In Custody, which states that prison should only be used 
as a sanction of last resort.

Media Contact:   Kath Mallott   Executive Officer
                          08 9227-5751  041993-0375

"To monitor and work to ensure the effective implementation of the 
recommendations of the Royal Commission Into Aboriginal Deaths In Custody"

Deaths In Custody Watch Committee (WA) Inc)
119 Mathieson Road, REDCLIFFE, Western Australia,  6104

"The beginning of the cause of deaths in custody does not occur within the 
confines of police and prison cells or in the minds of the 
victims.  Initially it starts in the minds of those who allow it to happen."
Elder Dr. Jack Davis (OA, MBE)



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