The Victorian Branch of Amnesty International ([EMAIL PROTECTED], 03 
9427 7055) Women's Group is launching a big campaign. The overarching theme 
is "Women's Rights are Human Rights"; the launch is focusing on the use of 
rape as a weapon of war and is intended as a gesture of support for the 
formation of the International Criminal Court. We'll be asking the 
government to put pressure on the US to abandon its attempts to secure 
privileged status for US soldiers, and distributing postcards which people 
can sign and send on the day addressed to Howard, Clinton and Albright, as 
well as resource listings for those interested in knowing more.

It should be a great event. The Women's Group are an amazing bunch of women 
- as well as organising this campaign, they are visiting refugees in the 
Maribyrnong detention centre, organising forums and events on sundry other 
gender-based human rights violations, and building one of the 
fastest-growing grass-roots networks I've ever seen. Please let all the 
people on your Melbourne mailing list know about this event - contact 
details if they want to know more are <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, or phone 03 
9427 7055.

Sunday 28th May
1:00 at Melbourne Town Hall
Corner Collins & Swanston Sts

All the best
Phil Minchin



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