Australian Financial Review
Corrigan: police talk to witnesses
By Stephen Long
2000-08-21 02:53:47

Two years after the last big waterfront dispute, Australian Federal Police 
officers are still pursuing evidence for possible perjury charges against 
Patrick Stevedores chief executive, Mr Chris Corrigan.

Lawyers and trade union officials have confirmed that an AFP officer 
interviewed them during the past month in relation to sworn evidence Mr 
Corrigan gave to the Australian Industrial Relations Commission about the 
extent of his involvement in the so-called "Dubai affair".

Mr Corrigan has consistently maintained he did nothing improper, unethical 
or illegal during the docks dispute.

He has denied any perjury and maintained that his evidence to the AIRC did 
not deny he had a financial involvement in the training of a non-union 
stevedoring workforce in the United Arab Emirates port of Dubai.

However, his evidence on oath to the AIRC appears to contradict material in 
documents setting out the terms of agreements between Patrick Stevedores 
and a company that trained stevedoring employees in Dubai.

The Dubai trainees were later used as a strike-breaking labour force at 
Webb dock in Melbourne.

Mr Corrigan's evidence to the commission also seems to be at odds with 
claims in a sworn affidavit by Mr Mike Wells, a former army major and a key 
organiser of the Dubai training scheme.

According to witnesses who spoke to The Australian Financial Review, police 
said they had been instructed by the office of the Federal Director of 
Public Prosecutions to interview people present in the court when Mr 
Corrigan gave evidence on oath, in order to corroborate a transcript of the 
proceedings before the AIRC.

Tape recordings of the hearing have been lost or destroyed. Some witnesses 
who spoke to the AFR said police had told them the DPP argued that it 
needed witness statements from people present in the court to bolster the 
transcript evidence. Others said they had been told that the transcript of 
evidence was inadmissable.

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