August 25, 2000

Indonesian union leader asks Australian unions for material help

A leader of the Indonesian National Front for Worker Struggles (FNPBI) has 
appealed to Australian unions for material support. Arriving in Australia 
today for a two-week speaking tour, the FNPBI's international solidarity 
officer Romawaty Sinaga said that as economic conditions deteriorate in 
Indonesia, workers are increasingly looking to the FNPBI for assistance in 
their struggle for basic democratic rights.

"We have been inundated with requests for assistance from workers, and the 
truth is that our resources are increasingly stretched. Workers are 
organising to defend themselves, but because of the ongoing difficulties 
involved in registering unions and winning campaigns, workers come to us 
for help", said Sinaga.

The FNPBI was formed last year in May and recently held its second 
congress. The FNPBI has more than 20,000 members, mostly women workers, 
from the textile and garment, food and drink, chemical pharmaceutical, 
metalwork and transportation industries. There, workers receive on average 
only $1.50 a day.

The FNPBI has been campaigning for a minimum 100% pay rise for all workers, 
and on August 18 organised a successful action outside the parliamentary 
sitting in Jakarta highlighting this demand. The union is also campaigning 
against the government's cuts to basic subsidies and is opposing the muted 
fuel price hike. It has called on the government to try Suharto and the 
generals responsible for the carnage in East Timor and opposes the 
military's interference in politics.

Romawaty Sinaga will be meeting many Australian unionists during her 
speaking tour which covers Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane. She 
will be welcomed by the Victorian leadership of the Australian 
Manufacturing Workers Union at a union reception at their Melbourne offices 
today. Sinaga will also be meeting with Victorian Trades Hall Council 
officials and speaking at their conference on September 8. In Sydney, 
Sinaga will meet officials and rank-and-file workers from the Construction, 
Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, the Maritime Workers Union, as well as 
meeting up with representatives from the ACTU's aid agency, APHEDA.

Unions sponsoring the FNPBI tour include: the Independent Teachers Union 
(NSW); Australian Education Union (ACT); National Tertiary Education Union 
(national, Vic and NSW); Health Services Union (Vic No 2 branch); Public 
Service Association (NSW); Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers 
Union (ACT); Transport Workers Union (Qld); Rail, Bus and Tram Union (Qld) 
and the Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union of Australia.

Romawaty Sinaga will be the keynote speaker at seminars on issues facing 
workers in the era of globalisation. See below for details of the meetings 
or ring Pip Hinman for more information on (02) 9690 1230 or 04 1213 9968 
or check www.asiet.org.au

Public meeting details

FNPBI public meeting details:

Melbourne: Sun Aug 27, 1-5pm, Old Ballroom, Trades Hall, cnr Lygon St and 
Victoria Pde, Carlton. Ph (03) 9639 8622

Western Sydney: Thurs Aug 31, 6.30pm Resistance Centre, Suite 1 (upstairs), 
101 Argyle St, Parramatta Ph (02) 9687 5134

Sydney: Sat Sept 2, 11am-5pm, Gaelic Club, 64 Devonshire St, Surry Hills Ph 
(02) 9690 1230; (02) 9690 1032

Canberra: Mon Sept 4, 6.30pm Manning Clarke Theatre 5, ANU Ph (02) 6247 2424

Brisbane: Wed Sept 6, 7pm TLC Building, 16 Peel St, South Brisbane Ph (07) 
3831 2644


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