THIS WEEK On ABC Radio National's investigative documentary
program, Background Briefing:
Sunday September 3, 9.10am
Tuesday September 5, 7.10pm
and Wednesday, September 6, 4.00am.
"The Cars that Ate Our Wallets"
         Produced by Stephen Skinner
Cars are costing us heaps, and petrol prices are just the tip of the iceburg.

Next time you turn on the ignition, consider this. Your 10 year old car is
probably costing you at least $7000 a year to run - and only about a
quarter of that is in petrol.

Through subsidies and tax loopholes, you are also paying thousands towards
private roads, company cars and all those four wheel drives that never
leave the bitumen.

Producer Stephen Skinner gets behind the wheel to investigate.  Tollways,
traffic jams and tax on this week's Background Briefing.

LAST WEEK ON BB (20/08/00):

"Nelson Mandela - A Public Lecture"
Produced by Kirsten Garrett

One of the most honoured men in modern history - Nelson Mandela - is coming
to Australia. It continues to astound the world that a young boy growing up
in poverty, with illiterate parents, became one of the greatest political
leaders in the world.

Mandela, surviving apartheid and 28 years jail, is considered by many as a
truly great man with a moral authority that invokes awe and respect
everywhere he goes.

Hear him on this week's Background Briefing in a presentation he recently
gave at the London School of Economics where he was awarded an honorary

The Adzido Pan African Dance Troupe and Joan Armatrading were there to
welcome him...

Program transcript and audio online at http://abc.net.au/rn/talks/bbing by
Thursday afternoon.

Missed the program, and want to hear it again? Many of Background
Briefing's programs are now available on our website as Real Audio on demand.

You'll find a list of them, and more information about how to access them
at http://abc.net.au/rn/talks/bbing/bbaudio.htm

We welcome your feedback on any of our programs. You can post your comments
to our online guestbook at


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