I am writing to ask for your help to keep Women on the Line (WOTL) on the 
air. As a supporter of women's rights you will be aware of the need for 
women to have a voice in the media. Too often women are represented 
negatively and using stereotypes. Women rarely seem to qualify as 'experts' 
or 'commentators'. Issues that affect women are seldom covered with 
intelligence and sensitivity and debates within the feminist communities 
are billed as, 'rifts, signalling the decline of feminism'.

The sad fact is that, although we might not like it, many of us accept the 
absence of women's voices in the mainstream media. We are comforted by the 
fact that community-based media has an improved, if imperfect, record. 
However, it requires vigilance to ensure that women are not silenced on 
alternative media also. WOTL is the only women's current affairs program 
broadcast around Australia via satellite.

The recent international women's conference in New York is a prime example 
of the need for WOTL. WOTL was the only Australian media that attended and 
covered the entire Beijing-plus-five conference. The fact that this trip 
was entirely self-funded (I had to get a second job) highlights the 
commitment to covering women's issues and events.

It costs around $30,000 a year to produce WOTL. Community Broadcasting 
Foundation have, in recent years, significantly reduce the grant to Women 
on the Line (by a third) despite rising costs. Last year they provided less 
than a third of the amount required. The Community Broadcasting Foundation 
is now allocating grants for 2001. . Funding is not guaranteed and WOTl 
needs the support, not only of those that can/do listen, but of all who 
appreciate the importance of feminist radio in Australia. There are two 
main ways you can support the program:

1) support this letter. Reply to this email, ring (ph 03 9419 8377) or 
write (PO Box 1277 Collingwood 3066)

2) write a letter or e-mail of your own explaining why you think a national 
feminist radio program is important. I will include your letter in my 
application to the CBF.

Applications close September 14 2000 so sometime before then would be great.

Thanks for your continued support.

Yours in sisterhood,
Cath Keaney
Producer of Women on the Line


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