Free the refugees-free the refugees-free the refugees

In Refugee Week.


2pm, Saturday 14 October.

at the State Library, cnr Swanston and Latrobe sts

to march to government offices

Those of us who oppose the detention of people seeking asylum and refuge in 
Australia must build a stronger public campaign to put an end to the Howard 
government's oppressive acts.

Public rallies to unite the widest possible forces are needed across Australia.

The Refugee Action Collective is active in many Australian states. We are 
calling on you and your organisation to join with us in building rallies in 
Refugee Week.

Endorsed by: Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria; Eelam Tamil 
Association; Ezzedine Rafhi, Vice-President Moreland Ethnic Communities 
Council; Refugee Action Collective; Socialist Worker.

The following individuals have endorsed the Refugee Action Collective 
statement, in a personal capacity:

Justice Marcus Einfeld; Al Grassby, Former Immigration Minister; Kate 
Gilmore, National Director, Amnesty International Aust.; Charles Chow, 
Solicitor; Dr Bill Cope, Former Director, Office of Multicultural Affairs; 
Dr Andrew Theophanous, MP; and many others.

If you are interested in copies of the statement please contact us.

Refugee Action Collective
GPO Box 1473N, Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone: Judy McVey on 0418 347 374

for united action to defend refugees and asylum seekers



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