Dear all,

1) If it's not already clear, the main assembly point for the blockade on 
S11 is Queensbridge St (opposite the front entrance to Crown Towers) from 7am.

2) You might have heard that the renowned ecofeminist Dr Vandana Shiva is 
speaking at a conference put on by RMIT on S10 (Sunday 10th), and that 
there is also a public meeting at the Regent Theatre, Collins St, city 
(sponsored by Trades Hall, ACTU, ACF, NUS, etc) at the same time.

The good news is that you don't have to choose between them.

Dr Shiva will be speaking at the Regent Theatre (free entry, starting at 
noon). She will also be speaking at the RMIT conference, which has been 
moved to the Capitol, but later in the afternoon.

David Glanz

*** Please forward widely ***


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