From: Michael Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

By Noam Chomsky

United Nations Summit in New York in September was the second major 
gathering of government leaders marking the millennium. The first was the 
South Summit in Havana in April. The UN Summit received considerable 
national publicity, while the South Summit was barely reported, a 
reflection of the "imbalance" in the global system that it deplored.

The South Summit brought together heads of state of the "Group of 77" 
(G77), now 133 countries, accounting for 80% of the world's population. The 
name G77 is carried over from the founding meeting of the UN Conference on 
Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in 1964, attended by 77 of the "developing 
countries." The April 2000 Summit was of unusual importance. The first 
meeting ever at the level of heads of state, the Summit focused on the 
concern that the South is "collectively endangered" by the global economic 
system that has been instituted by the rich countries.

A leading third world journal described the Summit as "a defining moment in 
G77 history," ending on "a note of confidence and determination from the 
leaders to work together to bring about a new world order based on equity 
and fairness," with South-South cooperation as a centerpiece and a plan of 
action seeking significant changes in the global system (Third World 
Economics, Penang).

In the New York Times Week in Review, UN correspondent Barbara Crossette 
reported that the Summit "denounced the global economy and its symbols" 
(the World Bank, IMF, and WTO), dismissing it as insignificant because 
"slogans and oratory do little to illuminate the profound complexity of 
human development in the new economic order." According to "development 
experts," for the poor "nothing could be more irrelevant than global 
theories or rants against multinational corporations." "The experts," who 
recognize the "profound complexities," prefer serious measures to deal with 
them: for example, persuading multinationals to "help workers improve their 
lives" and inducing "big international institutions" to adopt policies that 
"work for all levels of society."

The experts are also bemused by the "irony" that the World Bank is moving 
"dramatically into social programs...just as protestors operating on 
outdated images single it out for attack." Translating to the real world, 
the World Bank is reacting to protestors who have been operating for years 
on quite accurate images, as the experts now tacitly concede; whether the 
reaction will pass beyond rhetoric depends substantially on the dedication 
of the critics who are largely responsible for bringing it about.

Each Summit produced a Declaration. The Declaration of the UN Summit 
consisted largely of pieties, though at least one resolution had a certain 
bite: "to encourage the pharmaceutical industry to make essential drugs 
more widely available and affordable by all who need them in developing 
countries." There is little need to elaborate on the extraordinary human 
catastrophes to which the resolution alludes, and it is clear enough who 
bears the primary responsibility to address them.

One central topic, much discussed in commentary, was what Secretary-General 
Kofi Annan described in his call to the Summit as "the dilemma of 
intervention": "national sovereignty must not be used as a shield for those 
who wantonly violate the rights and lives of their fellow human beings." 
That much is generally agreed, at least at the rhetorical level. But a rift 
appears with Annan's next sentence: "In the face of mass murder, armed 
intervention authorized by the Security Council is an option that cannot be 
relinquished." The US and its allies, which monopolize military power, 
adopt a very different stance: they insist on their unique right of armed 
intervention without such authorization. Annan is relatively popular in the 
West because of his efforts to accommodate the interests of the rich and 
powerful, but in this case he sided with the South Summit, which rejects 
what it calls "the so-called `right' of humanitarian intervention" by the 
powerful in violation of the UN Charter and "the general principles of 
international law."

The Declaration of the South Summit also "firmly reject[s] the imposition 
of laws and regulations with extraterritorial impact and all other forms of 
coercive economic measures, including unilateral sanctions against 
developing countries." The Declaration calls on "the international 
community neither to recognize these measures nor apply them," alluding 
obliquely to US initiatives, primarily. The Declaration insists on "the 
right of developing countries, in exercise of their sovereignty and without 
any interference in their internal affairs, to choose the path of 
development in accordance with their national priorities and objectives." 
It views "with alarm the recent unilateral moves by some developed 
countries to question the use of fiscal policy as a development tool," 
reiterates "the fundamental right of each State to determine its own fiscal 
policies," and reaffirms "that every State has the inalienable right to 
choose political, economic, social and cultural systems of its own, without 
interference in any form by other States." It calls for "reformulation of 
policies and options on globalization from a development perspective," and 
is sharply critical of the specific forms of international integration that 
have been imposed by concentrated political and economic power -- what is 
called "globalization" in Western rhetoric, often depicted as a neutral 
force to which "there is no alternative," in Thatcher's famous slogan.

These calls are directed primarily to Washington. The same is true of the 
call to "promote respect for all universally recognized human rights and 
fundamental freedoms, including the right to development." The first part 
is ritual incantation: the right to development the US has forcefully rejected.

For the South Summit, "our highest priority is to overcome 
underdevelopment, which implies the eradication of hunger, illiteracy, 
disease and poverty." The UN Summit adopted similar wording. "Although this 
is primarily our responsibility," the South Summit declares, "we urge the 
international community to adopt urgent and resolute actions, with a 
comprehensive and multidimensional approach, to assist in overcoming these 
scourges, and to establish international economic relations based on 
justice and equity." It goes on to deplore "Asymmetries and imbalances that 
have intensified in international economic relations" to the severe 
detriment of the South, and calls for reform of "international economic 
governance" and "international financial architecture" to make them "more 
democratic, more transparent and better attuned to solving the problems of 
development," reviewing current problems in some detail.

The Declaration also warns that "the prevailing modes of production and 
consumption in the industrialized countries are unsustainable and should be 
changed, for they threaten the very survival of the planet." Furthermore, 
"technological innovations should be systematically evaluated in terms of 
their economic, social and environmental impact, with the participation of 
all the social sectors involved," including "groups that have not 
traditionally been part of this process" -- almost everyone. It calls on 
"the developed countries to fulfil their commitment to provide developing 
countries with financial resources and environmentally sound technologies 
on a preferential basis." Further provisions, also elaborated in some 
detail, will not be unfamiliar to the ranting protestors with their 
outdated images.

Annan's recommendations to the UN Summit included implementation of the 
Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gases; providing "the necessary resources" for 
the UN "to carry out its mandates," specifically its "peacekeeping 
operations"; debt relief; and "more generous [overseas] development 
assistance" (ODA). In all of these categories, the US has a special 
responsibility, though it is not alone.

 > The US has been evading the Kyoto protocol, and has one of > the worst 
records for violating it: emissions have in fact > considerably increased. 
The US is notorious for its refusal > to meet its funding obligations for 
the UN, including > peacekeeping operations. In July, the House and 
Senate > Appropriations committees again rejected an administration > 
request for a miserly $107 million for peacekeeping expenses > in Kosovo 
and East Timor, while cutting the small request > for peacekeeping by 
almost 50%, to $500 million. Debt relief > remains words, tied to strict 
conditionalities ("reforms"). ODA has declined sharply in the past 10 
years, most radically in the US, which by now provides virtually nothing, 
far less than other industrial countries as a proportion of GNP; by far the 
leading beneficiary of the minuscule ODA budget is a rich country, Israel, 
with Egypt second by virtue of its relations with Israel.

When the Cold War ended, the conventional self-applause held that at last 
Western elites could now act in accord with their ideals and treasured 
values. So they did, expressing their ideals and values with great clarity 
as soon as there was no longer any need for even cynical gestures to the 
poor, the space for nonalignment having disappeared.

The standard version holds that the end of the Cold War coincided with the 
discovery that trade is more helpful to the poor than aid. Accordingly, 
Annan called on the rich countries to open their markets to goods produced 
in the South. On that they have been dragging their feet, while demanding 
free access for their own products and services and using a variety of 
methods to impose their will. Among these are trade barriers and subsidies 
that are direct or hidden "under the rubric of `defense'," as remarked by 
then-World Bank chief economist Joseph Stiglitz, deploring the mixture of 
liberalization and protectionism in the mislabelled "free trade" regime, 
geared to the wishes of the masters of the economy. Just as the South 
Summit was gathering the Clinton Administration announced its opposition to 
a World Bank proposal to allow poor countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin 
America to export to the US without tariffs or quotas; that would provide 
"a huge economic advantage for those developing countries," the New York 
Times reported, "going significantly beyond the administration's efforts to 
get Congress to forgive their debts as they undergo economic reforms" -- 
that is, facilitate the takeover of their economies by Western firms. The 
World Bank and IMF endorse the complaint of the South "that the United 
States and other rich nations are using their enormous prosperity and 
technology to grow rapidly at the expense of countries being left far 
behind by economic globalization" -- to which we should add that a similar 
process continues internally.

While the Declaration of the UN Summit is more muted than that of the 
South, behind the scenes the mood seems to have been similar. A good report 
in the Boston Globe by John Donnelly is headlined "African leaders lash 
out," accusing the UN and the West of "keeping [the] continent in poverty." 
The "overriding theme" of the African heads of state, Donnelly reports, is 
that "the forces of globalization are enriching the West anew while 
sentencing them to even more misery," essentially the message of the South 
Summit. "They said the Western powers talked a good game about the benefits 
of globalization to Africa, but then stood by as corporations plundered 
riches from the continent," following the classic pattern, sometimes 
assisted by World Bank programs: for example, the Bank's demand for 
privatization in Gambia, leading to elimination of the peanut industry by a 
foreign buyer that shifted processing abroad so that the country now 
imports its own product.

African leaders pointed out that the "voices in the street" in the West are 
repeating what "the developing countries have been saying for many years in 
various international fora with little success." Several suggested that "an 
alliance was possible." That has been taking shape at the grass-roots 
level, an impressive development, rich in opportunity and promise, and 
surely causing no little concern in high places.

Michael Albert
Z Magazine / ZNet


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