Jackie Lynch
Mobile: 0403 693 479
Home:  03 9486 1284

The Socialist Alliance Batman Branch has pre-selected one of the S11 
organisers to stand for the House Of Representatives in the upcoming 
Federal Election.

Jackie Lynch, 29, is a long-time resident of Melbourne's northern suburbs 
and a first-time candidate. Jackie is an apprentice electrician and member 
of the Electrical Trades Union and was a former National Education Officer 
for the National Union of Students. Jackie was a marshal coordinator and 
media spokesperson at last year's S11 protests and has recently spoken for 
the Socialist Alliance at pro-choice actions.

Jackie Lynch has said that Socialist Alliance will run on a platform of 
putting people's needs ahead of profits. "Socialist Alliance is about 
providing a unified voice for people sick of the Tweedledee and Tweedledum 
of federal politics. People are sick of the Liberal' policies and sick of 
the ALP's pathetic responses. What have the ALP offered us? Nothing but 
more of the same."

"We stand for union rights, a 35 hour week with no loss in pay, fully 
publicly funded education, welfare and healthcare systems. The GST should 
be scrapped. We are not about gaining favour with big business, we are not 
about selling out people to greedy corporations."

"Socialist Alliance is taking a stand on the issues the major parties won't 
touch. While the Coalition persists in its cruel policy on refugees, the 
ALP hasn't promised anything better.  Socialist Alliance calls for the 
refugees to be freed, for borders to be open to migrants and for using the 
millions of dollars wasted on inhumane detention camps on resettlement 
programs for people who come to this country."

"Socialist Alliance has taken a firm stand on abortion rights, which are 
still under threat in this country. We stand for free, legal abortion on 
demand and for reproductive freedom for all women"

"Socialist Alliance Batman Branch will be running a grassroots campaign, 
not just for the Federal Election but beyond. We don't have corporate 
backers, just local community activists. We will bring the spirit of S11 
and M1 into Batman to provide an alternative voice for everyone who thinks 
a better world is possible."

For details contact Jackie Lynch 0403 693 479 or Felicity Martin, 
Co-Convenor Batman Branch  0411 593 607.

Socialist Alliance was formed in February this year. Socialist Alliance is 
an alliance of socialist organisations and independent activists. Already 
over 1000 people have joined the Socialist Alliance. Socialist Alliance 
will stand candidates in every state and territory in the coming federal 
election. The Socialist Alliance stands against the policies of the 
Liberals and the ALP * which both put profit ahead of people's needs - and 
provides a
fighting, activist alternative to economic rationalism and racism.


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