We have less than two weeks to raise the $6,613 needed to run
the 1/8 page memorial notice in the Weekend Australian on 19
October (see below for details).

We have successfully raised about $1,000 so far - if another
110 people each donate $50 then we will achieve our target.

So if you are intending to participate in this action, please
do it now.

Donations can be made by credit card over the phone to the
Edmund Rice Centre (as well as by email, and by cheque through
the mail - see below). Please donate whatever you can afford -
every bit helps.

Please circulate this notice further to any appropriate email
lists etc.

Thanks again to the Edmund Rice Centre - this could not have
been done without their expert help.

Please note that details below of some commemorative events
have been updated.


Your help is urgently needed!

The first anniversary of the sinking of SIEVX, October 19
2002, is nearly upon us. To honour and commemorate the memory
of 353 lives lost when their boat sank last October, and to
commiserate with the few survivors and the many bereaved
families, we are planning a public memorial notice in the news
pages of "The Weekend Australian" on Saturday 19 October.

This initiative has been launched by the SIEVX First
Anniversary Memorial Notice Working Group, which comprises a
group of friends of the www.sievx.com website.

The Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education, an
experienced and highly reputable Catholic professional social
justice organisation active in refugee support -
http://www.erc.org.au - has agreed to receive and handle
monies donated towards the cost of the notice.

The ERC will direct any surplus of funds that may be received
in excess of the cost of the notice towards helping needy
families of boat people in Australia.

The size of notice will likely be an 1/8 of a page. An
advertisement of this size in the news pages of the Weekend
Australian will cost $6,613.

We are asking for your generous support in contributing
towards its cost. Please, notify and send to ERC your
donations as soon as possible, to give us a measure of what
size notice we can afford to run. All contributions, no matter
how small, will help. Persons and organisations who offer
large contributions may be acknowledged by name in the notice,
depending on how much space we have.

(When there are asylum seeker families in Australia in need of
material assistance?)

Because it will be a public recognition on the first
anniversary of this huge tragedy, and a public message of
support for the victims of SIEVX and their grieving family
members, and for others who have suffered on their attempted
boat journeys to Australia. It will testify publicly that many
people who live in Australia share their pain.

We do not know to what extent mainstream media may recognise
their responsibility properly to commemorate this major
Australian tragedy on our doorstep. We want to show by this
memorial notice that many Australians do care deeply about it,
and care for its human victims. We also want to remind those
who have already forgotten this human tragedy.


An appropriately worded general message of condolence
(inspired by words from the many moving messages that are
coming in to the SIEVX website's "Jannah" memorial section ~
see http://sievx.com/jannah/ ).

A short informational statement of what is so far known about
the sinking of SIEVX, based on Senate Committee official
evidence. This is not intended to be a contentious or
controversial "political" statement. It will be quiet and
dignified in tone, aimed at stating succinctly facts about
which there can be no reasonable disagreement. It will not
hypothesise or accuse - this public memorial notice is not the
place for that.

Summary reminders of SIEVX observances and rallies planned for
the 19/20 October weekend in cities around Australia.

The text, which is being drafted by the Working Group, will
not be released publicly until its appearance on 19 October.
It will be sent to major media news outlets (print and
electronic) two days before its publication date, on a
strictly embargoed basis, to encourage media interest in the

It is not proposed that the notice should contain
illustrations or list names of victims or survivors, for
reasons of family privacy and space.



There are 3 ways donations can be made:

(Please cut out this slip or download the slip from
the internet at http://www.erc.org.au/sievx_form.htm
and forward with your payment to the address below)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donation:  ____ $25; ____ $100; _____ $500; _____ Other

Credit Card No:  ______________________________________

Name on card: _________________________________________

Expiry Date: ____________________

Signature: __________________________________

Organisation (if applicable) ____________________________

Mail or fax the above slip to


FAX:  61 (0)2 9764 1743

Cheques should be made out to:
"Edmund Rice Centre - SIEVX anniversary"
and sent to the above address

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donations can also be made by phone. Contact Edmund Rice
Centre with credit card details on  61 (0)2 9764 1330

Send credit card details and amount you wish to donate to:

NB Edmund Rice Centre will issue receipts

For further information see


Below is a list of events that we know of so far, planned to
commemorate the first anniversary. Please note: Several of
these events have been updated with new information and others
have been added since the last mail out. Please check the
events page at sievx.com for the most up to date information
on SIEVX commemorative events around the country:

If you know of other events that are being planned around the
SIEVX anniversary that are not listed here please forward the
details to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On the 19th of October, 2001 an overloaded refugee boat sank
in International waters whilst the wives and children of
refugees in Australia were trying to be re-united with their
loved ones. 353 people, 146 children and 142 women and the
rest young men, drowned in this tragedy. On the 20th of
October, 2001 44 survivors were rescued. On this first
anniversary of the tragedy we commemorate the dead and
celebrate the survivors. Join us at Rymill Park at 12 noon on
Saturday 19 October, 2002.
Adelaide Refugee Collective email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We are all boat people! Rally to commemorate the sinking of
SIEVX.  Sunday 20 October, 1pm. King George Square, Brisbane.
The rally is an official event in Refugee Week which is
organised by AUSTCARE.
Speakers include: Noel Preston, Uniting Church; Jim Fouras MP,
Labor for Refugees; a survivor from the SIEVX; Uri Thermal,
former CEO Multicultural Affairs Qld; Natasha Stott-Despoja,
Aust Democrats; Bob Anderson, Aboriginal elder. Chairs: Hassan
Ghulam, President of Hazara Ethnic Society and Yewy Green,
Refugee Action Collective. Phone: Calum on 0410627268

Commences: 9am at the fountain in Civic Square in front of ACT
Legislative Assembly.  This event will be non-political and
purely for paying our respects to the victims of SIEVX and
their families. Several different clerics will be offering
prayers at this event and it will give us all an opportunity
to come together and grieve for those whose lives were
shattered on 19 October 2001.
Phone: Claire Bruhns 62880535 and Jane Keogh 62498613

SIEVX Anniversary Rally Sat. Oct. 19th at 12.30pm in GAREMA
PL, with two keynote speakers: Former Australian Diplomat -
Tony Kevin and Keysar Trad, a spokesperson for the Australian
Lebanese Community who interviewed the SIEVX survivors
immediately after the tragedy. Kerryn Williams from RAC ACT
will also speak briefly at the end on the research we have
been conducting into the concerns about a possible forced
removal of asylum seekers from Australia.  For further
information on the rally please contact Claire on 62880535,
Kerryn on 62472424 or Phil on 0415752012

No fortress Australia. Rally & march in memory of 353 asylum
seekers. Sat Oct 19, 4pm. Raintree Park, then march to the
Esplanade. Ph Ruth 0421 504 376.

On Saturday 19 October, Tasmanians for Refugees are holding a
memorial gathering to mark the anniversary of the sinking of
the SIEVX in which 353 people drowned. Father Brian Gore will
speak at the event commencing at midday on the Parliament
House Lawns in Hobart. email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No Pacific Solution! No mandatory detention of refugees! Rally
& march to commemorate the sinking of SIEVX & drowning of 353
refugees. Sat Oct 19, noon. Princes Sq., cnr Frederick & St
John's sts, city. Ph Sally 6333 0319.

Commemorative Event
Saturday 19th October 2002, 1.30pm - 4.30pm
Edwardes Lake Park, Reservoir
At the end of Edwardes St, near the playground and BBQ area
Remembering the men, women and children who drowned seeking
asylum in Australia. The refugee temporary protection visa
(TPV) holders, the survivors and members of the Australian
Iraqi community have initiated this commemorative event.
This event will be non-political and purely for paying our
respects to the victims of SIEVX and their families.
The event will involve a multi-faith service, a minute
silence, with a flower and candle ceremony to follow.
Survivors will speak in remembrance of the people who drowned.
A choir will end the proceedings. Everyone is welcome to pay
respects. Please bring flowers. For further information,
contact: Tiffany Overall 9484 7944, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Gabby Fakhri: 0413 764468,
9383 2533, [EMAIL PROTECTED], or Alyssha: 0407 254 227

On 19 October, people will be coming together in the city to
remember those who died.
The day will kick off at approximately 12:30pm at the
Esplanade (near Barrack St), going from Barrack westward into
St George's Tce, then north into King St, west onto Hay St and
all the way up to Parliament House For more information or to
find out how you can help and to endorse the day please
contact Phil on 9388 6009 or Tonja on 9307 9273 email:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Further details to come.

Rally for the truth about refugees and war.
Unite against racism! Sat Oct 26, noon. Town Hall Sq, city. Ph
0417 275 713, 0405 224 070.
(This is being organised by a coalition of refugee and anti-
war groups, and will take up SIEVX as it's key refugee theme)

Wagga Wagga Rural Australians for Refugees is holding a
regional commemoration picnic day to remember those who were
lost in the sinking of SIEVX. Picnic commences at 12pm, 20
October at the Wagga Wagga Botanical Gardens and is expected
to run well into the afternoon. A one minute silence will be
held to remember those who died, followed by a performance by
the Riverina Young People's Theatre. For further information,
please contact Nicole: on 0417 061 360 or at

Meet October 18, 6.30pm, Wollongong mall amphitheatre.
Speakers include Margaret Reynolds (UN Association of
Australia President), Simon Cunich (high school activist,
Social Action Group TIGS), Ali Mehdi Sobi (who lost his wife
and three daughters in the tragedy). There will also be a
speaker on behalf of RAC. Commemorative march by candlelight
to follow speakers.
Contact Will 0425 299 217 for more info or to add your
endorsement. There will also be a high school rally at 4pm
which will feed into the main rally.  Contact Simon Cunich on
4226 2010 for more info.




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