12 December 2002


Dear stakeholder,

Environment and community groups have united in support for a new Terms
of Reference for the Victorian Government's investigation into the 
old-growth forests of Goolengook.

As you would be aware, the public was invited to comment on the former
Minister for Conservation & Environment's draft Terms of Reference for 
VEAC's investigation into Goolengook, which would see the Victorian 
Environment Assessment Council (VEAC)

conduct an investigation to find other areas of old-growth forest to be
made available for logging as a 'trade off' for protecting Goolengook.

Environment and community groups, unions, minor political parties and
hundreds of individuals submitted letters in support of an alternative 
Terms of Reference for the VEAC inquiry, which would see VEAC 
investigate the ecological values of Goolengook, and the potential for 
the Upper Goolengook Catchment to be added to Errinundra National Park.

Enclosed for your information is Environment Victoria's submission
containing the our recommended Terms of Reference and a list of 
supporting organizations.

The Minister will be making a decision soon, and the investigation is
likely to commence within a month.

Well done to all those who submitted, and those that expressed their
support.  During the next couple of weeks whilst the Minister decides 
the direction this investigation will take, it is vitally important you 
write letters to the editor highlighting the importance of this 
investigation, and the adoption of the recommended terms of reference. 
For more information, contact me on the number/s provided below.

In friendship

Nicky Moffat
Forest Campaigns Co-ordinator
Environment Victoria Inc

Phone: 03) 9341 8104
mobile: 0402 987 181
fax: 9341 8199

Drop in address:
Level 4, 60 Leicester St

PO Box 12575
A'Beckett St
Melb  8006


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