Dear comrades and friends

You are invited to the Wills Socialist Alliance end of year BBQ on 
Thursday 19 December at 6 pm. Why? on.

2002 is drawing to a close and the Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance 
has had quite a year.

We started the year with our enormously successful run in two wards in 
the Moreland City Council elections. We end the year with our campaign 
as a loud, proud voice for socialism standing Judy McVey as the 
Socialist Alliance candidate for Brunswick.

And in the intervening period, we achieved things too numerous to list 
in full but including:

* support for Moreland Council workers in struggle
* campaigning against the anti-Terror laws
* mobilising again and again against war
* backing efforts to rid our community of the ultra-right patriarchs in 
the Black Shirts
* leading the working class charge against the 22% rate hike
* helping achieve the historic tasks of State electoral registration for SA

Plus MUCH more.

And now it is time to relax, reflect on our achievements and yarn 
informally about what's next.

In lieu of a December Branch meeting Wills SA is holding an end of year 
BBQ and every member and supporter is cordially invited. We want to 
THANK YOU for your work on the recent state election campaign and other 
projects through out the year.

Thursday 19 December, 6 pm Public BBQ at War Park
(the BBQ is behind the War Park Community Centre in DeCarle Street, near 
the corner of Albion Street. It is 1 minutes walk from the Sydney Road 

What you need to bring:
* BBQ able bits of your choice (meat, fish, vegie burgers etc)
* Drinks of your choice
* A folding chair
* Some cash [yes, we'll be having a collection to boost the coffers in
readiness to take on the bourgeoisie in 2003]

What will be provided:
* BBQ tools, cork screw, some card tables etc
* Disposable plates, cutlery, glasses, serviettes, tomato sauce
* A selection of salads
* Some damn fine company with other SA comrades and supporters

If you'd like to offer to bring a salad or other food items to share 
call Alison on 9386-5065 or drop me an e-mail.

Alison Thorne
Convener Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance

PS: Please note that I have given notice that I will be stepping down 
from the branch convenership in 2003 so we'll elect a new convener in 
January. If you think you might be interested in taking on the role and 
would like to discuss what involves, give me a call.



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