Pens, Mouldings - both straight and curved, spindles, pilasters,
limited jointery.

Is it more cost effective to buy the CNC up front or get the non-CNC
version and upgrade later? ie: will there be parts/adapters that are
removed and not used anymore once the CNC is installed?

How is the company to work with for service and support?

Thanks again,


On Jul 27, 8:10 pm, <> wrote:
> There are several options avaliable but most important is what do you wnat 
> the machine for
> ---- SteveEJ <> wrote:
> >   Folks,
> >   I am new here and looking seriously at buying a Legacy 900. There
> > are several options available as well as a CNC upgrade. The Legacy web
> > site is not very informative about the CNC upgrade(s). With money and
> > the economy being as it is, and I am saving for the machine I want to
> > make sure that I make good decisions up front. So with that in mind,
> > is buying a 900 without the CNC upgrade smart or would it be better if
> > I save a little longer and get the machine with the CNC upgrade? I
> > don't want to but accessories and have them obsolete as soon as I get
> > the upgrade.
> >   Another concern I have is the company itself. Post purchase service
> > and help is a big thing for me. I may be a little gun shy here as I
> > bought a CarveWright and had repair issues right out of the box. Down
> > time really has put a damper on my enthuasiam towards the CarveWright.
> > It is working well, for now and I wanted to mix the capabilities of
> > each to make some unique hand down furniture, etc.
> >   Software requirements. Is there any software that is not provided
> > with the CNC upgrade that would be considered essential? If so, how
> > much more of an investment would that be?
> >  Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience!
> > Steve Jacobs
> > Brighton, TN- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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