​You say your well pleased with the Woodchuck but critical of the materials 
used in it's construction. I accept you may be critical and that is your right 
however remember that design is properly approaching 30 years old and it was 
Andy's original design and he was not copying or enhancing someone else's 
previous design as far as I know. Many of us have a Doctorate in hind sight, 
mine is spotting a nice female posterior at a hundred yards.

By the way I also would not join the navy let alone the submarine service. My 
father served 27 years in the Royal Navy, and 23 years of it was in submarines. 
If you have ever seen the German programme Das Boot 
 then you get some idea of what it was like. When Das Boot was on the BBC TV my 
father was still alive and I asked him if he had ever been stuck on the bottom 
of the sea like it was depicted in Das Boot. He replied yes, quite a few times, 
and it was frightening. His job was to take the boat up and down upon the 
skipper's request.

He was lucky, he came through WWII but lost a lot of friends. He was also lucky 
to miss the sinking of HMS Truculent which sunk in the Thames Estuary on 12 
January 1950 after a collision with the merchant vessel Dvina. HMS Truculent 
was returning to Sheerness after a refit, 69 men lost their lives that day. He 
was the Chief Petty Officer but was drafted a few days before the accident.

If you are ever in Portsmouth, Hampshire UK, take a trip the Submarine Service 
Museum across the water at what was HMS Dolphin, home of the submarine service 
in Gosport.


Sent from TouchMail for Windows 10 [http://bit.ly/1PH8eIw]

From: Richard Ellis
Received: 08/04/2017 08:14:41 +01:00
To: Legacy Ornamental Mills
CC: rchrd.ell...@gmail.com, Legacy-Ornamental-Mills@googlegroups.com
When I joined up in the Forces, We were told not to discuss religion or 
I am well pleased with the Woodchuck other than the materials that were used in 
it's construction and the sloppy finish on some parts.
It is a simple bit of kit and does a good job as Mike has shown.
CNC is o.k. if one is turning out more than just a few items, however I believe 
the programming takes a longish time. 
I was on the SS Chusan called the happy ship, for 9 months (see web P&O ) and 
saw a sub come out of the water close by, let me just say           you would 
not get me to serve on one , I do like the fresh air and sunshine  

On Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 11:00:37 AM UTC+1, ITwoodwork wrote:
​Hi Richard
Now for the Good News, we all die and we have not a clue what happens after 
that. Now that is my opinion but I respect others who think differently. 

In the meantime I will settle for a good whisky but pass on the cigar as I gave 
up smoking at 10 years of age after trying a sly smoke of a Maltese cigarette 
whilst living in Malta in 1950 -1953.

We lived there because my father was in Royal Navy Submarine Service. He even 
managed to get both my brother and me each a day at sea in the submarine HMS 
Trenchant, I knew it was safe because it was my father's job to dive and 
surface the boat. Would not happen today with all the Health & Safety 

Now one thing I would like is the send off that Churchill received especially 
the last railway journey. That whole style of train takes me back to my youth  
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LgjZmkf7yE] (railway section of Churchill's 

For a fuller version of a stylish funereal 
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC1WEdgXKEI] Now if you want to understand 
Churchill's way of speaking then watch this video with Boris Johnson (ex Mayor 
of London) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLak2IzIv7U#t=219.93993 

Churchill's wit was something for which he was noted 

I have a small book "The wicked wit of Winston Churchill" that has some great 
put downs. My favourite being a lady, I believe it was Lady Astor, meet 
Churchill and told him he was drunk.  He responded, Madam I may be drunk and 
you are ugly, but in the morning I will be sober!

If you enjoy a good read then try Churchill's History of the English Speaking 
Peoples, it comes in four volumes and is very readable and suitable for 
Americans as it was written by a man whose mother was American.

If none of that interests you then you can always sit down and design the next 
generation of manual Legacy and put it into production.

As for me I think reading Churchill, improving my hand tool wood working skills 
and possibly CNC is the way forward if nature gives me time.


Sent from TouchMail for Windows 10 [http://bit.ly/1PH8eIw]

From: Richard Ellis
Received: 06/04/2017 09:29:49 +01:00
To: Legacy Ornamental Mills
CC: rchrd....@gmail.com, legacy-orna...@googlegroups.com
Good old Winston,
Where is my cigar and whiskey, is that what he asked !!!!!!!!!?????? 
I wonder if we may see a similar non cnc being built. Or something else in the 
wood working line .
Look what you have started, all this coffin malarkey, Please Have some sympathy 
for me as I have been a great great grandfather for some time.

On Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 5:50:19 PM UTC+1, ITwoodwork wrote:
​Hi Richard
I also signed OSA and like wise in commerce I have signed similar documents but 
where I receive Commercial in Confidence information it stays with me.

Only a couple of hours ago I was told something in Commercial in Confidence, 
and in the last couple months other things have come along and so "Mum's the 

I am only doing what Winston Churchill asked!

Sent from TouchMail for Windows 10 [http://bit.ly/1PH8eIw]

From: Richard Ellis
Received: 05/04/2017 17:41:17 +01:00
To: Legacy Ornamental Mills
CC: rchrd....@gmail.com, legacy-orna...@googlegroups.com
I know about the O.S.A.s   (official secrets acts ) but as I, was also in the 
R.A.F. This little bit of secrecy is taking it too far, by the way ,I too 
served on a a couple of Signal units in Germany close to the East German 
border. We also had the British army with us but no red caps, just us.
Had a spell up on the Baltic coast also.
Before I joined up in the RAF for the second time I had a spell in the Merchant 
Navy, P&O  Liners and  Esso Tankers.
I think C .G. was in the U.S Navy
All great fun

On Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 1:27:32 PM UTC+1, ITwoodwork wrote:
​The answer is no I have not used it and probably won't. But wait and see.
Roger & out!

Sent from TouchMail for Windows 10 [http://bit.ly/1PH8eIw]

From: Richard Ellis
Received: 05/04/2017 13:11:01 +01:00
To: Legacy Ornamental Mills
Thanks Roger
Have you used your LOM yet???

 The answer that you gave in line "a"  is about right as far as Legacy is 
concerned , I myself would not ever buy anything from them with their practice 
of not answering Emails.
I have been running my own company for a very great time and would never have 
treated my customers like they appear to do. As I did say before, you see 
things in a different light as one of their dealers/agents
I have dealt with Yandles  and in my opinion are a great firm, be a bit 
expensive to make coffins nowadays from Elm, I have felled thousands of the 
trees before and after the Elm disease such a shame as next to Oak was my 
favorite tree.

On Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 10:25:18 AM UTC+1, Richard Ellis wrote:
Perhaps Roger can help------------- been wondering if my Woodchuck was the only 
one ever imported to the U.K. and of course how many L.O.M.s are there over 
Also wondering how the  sales of the C.N.C.s at the Newark U.K. woodworking 
show went -------did they sell many??
Don't seem to hear anything about the show on any of the woodworking forums.
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