Hello Richard.For the price, I would look outwards, instead of buying another 
Legacy just for its rail's to make your REVO longer.  Why not look at something 
that can be use instead of the alum. rail? 80/20 sells alum. rail that might 
work for you? I replaced my lower rails on my Legacy with Uni-strut years ago. 
(long story ..., but I did it was for a job that I was doing for someone else. 
I ended up keeping it that way more or less.)You know you could do pretty much 
like I did. buy some ( brand X) rail and use the rail from the Revo to extend 
your Revo... That way you don't throw out the baby with the bath water, (so to 
speak) but replace only what is necessary. 
I think finding the acme screw is going to be much harder to find then the 
rail. that is if you want apples-apples. the 5/8"x4 acme screw is VERY Hard to 
find. but a 5/8"x8 is a common and very easy screw to find. Perhaps??? you 
might look at the idea going with a new screw all together?
I wish you luck on your endeavors.  Remember there is almost always more then 
one way to get any job done.talk to you more latter.

    On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:57 AM, Richard Ellis 
<rchrd.ell...@gmail.com> wrote:

 I have two LOM's One is the old Woodchuck, it does what I want it to do, I put 
a motor drive to the spindle vari-speed. made it even betterThe Revo 
Craftsman-- nice little machine and more fun to use, Much better for seeing 
what I am doing, I have powered both the leadscrew and the spindle.------Hate 
turning those handles.If only they had made the Revo a little longer!!?   I am 
now looking to purchase a 900, to swap the rails and leadscrew from one to the 
The seller wants far too much for the 900 and I am going to feel very guilty 
when I make him an offer, no doubt he will refuse, and the machine will gather 
dust again. The U,K market, is small compared to the U,S,A, 
 I have the horrible feeling that when it comes time to sell up, I am 83 in 
March, there will be no buyers. And all will go to the tip.It appears that most 
folk who have purchased from the U.K. agent, Regret it, and leave the LOM's 
gathering dust 
I welcome comments from Roger, and others on my thoughts,Richard

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