If I’m to understand you correctly using different size template followers or 
stylus is to match the dia  of the cutter being used to get a accurate 
reproduction of the template without it your copy would not be the same also 
when using enclosed templates you want your follower to fit neatly inside the 
template to my knowledge they came in 1/8,1/4,1/2 and 1inch




From: legacy-ornamental-mills@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:legacy-ornamental-mills@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of MWF
Sent: Sunday, 4 February 2018 1:34 PM
To: legacy-ornamental-mills@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Do you use your template follower On your Legacy Ornamental Mill


If I remember correctly, Legacy had several different sized template followers 
that would be mounted outboard to follow the template.
Does anyone know the various sizes - and why you would use one size over 
another?  Obviously, a smaller follower would get down into tighter 
"valleys"/coves - but why use a larger one?



-----Original Message----- 
From: 'Curt George' via Legacy Ornamental Mills 
Sent: Feb 3, 2018 7:14 PM 
To: Legacy-Ornamental-Mills 
Subject: Do you use your template follower On your Legacy Ornamental Mill 

Hello Everyone.

an Idea cam to me today, (while driving home form work.)  I have not done this 
on my Legacy but have done it with my Lathe.


The idea is to use the Template follower on the Legacy as a Template Maker to 
produce template that you can reproduce.


If you put an already made spindle in between the centers on the Legacy, then 
set up a blank template ( just a sheet of piece of wood/hardboard/plastic) on 
the template holder.

If you put a copying router bit, (or any bit with a ball bearing guide on it.)  
You can trace the turning.

Now all that you need to do it , put a pencil or marker mounted on the Legacy's 
follower (where the guild normally is placed.) 

When you run your ball bearing bit along the spindle, the follower (with the 
marker on it.) will trace the spindle, leaving you with the marker's out-line 
of  your new template. then all you need to do is cut it out, and then re-mount 
the template in your original location, to make copy/ re-production of the 


Now what can make this fun, is Make any spindle you want, and once done, you 
can use the same set-up as I described. to copy your original, so you can make 


The Legacy's template follower can be used for many things other then just 
re-producing from start to finish idioms. 

The Legacy is NOT a copy lathe, but it can be used as one.


I personalty use the template follower for detail work, like side reeding a 
thin spindle, where I know a side cutting bit router bearing will slip and 
under cut what I plan to make. (exp. the cups that I have made over the last 
few weekends)


Legacy made a few y ears ago, a video called Profile following. in this video 
they used a template to make a number of different idioms by using the follower.


The sky is the limit. 


By using some simple ideas. you can make much more then you ever dreamed of.


What do you all think? any and all comments are (as always) Welcome.






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