Hello Dan
Template work on the Legacy (sadly) was not shown very much in any details. 
They said it could be done, and showed you the finished product ,or while it 
was working, but They/ Legacy , left a lot up to the user of there machine to 
figure out all the little details of them-self's.
For spindles. (this is how I do it.)

Alignment is the key, and needs to be dealt with first.The idea is where the 
follower touches the template is the point where the router bit will touch the 
the way I start is, on my templates, I always mark where the center line is. 
Then I mark or make sure this line matches up with the Legacy's center (center 
point the part turn on, Head and talk stock center point.) 
Now how do I use it?  I have a motor drive on my Legacy.  I use the motor to 
push the X axis, I use the follower connected to the Y axis to control the in 
and out movement by hand.
Like everything in wood working, And with/on the Legacy, you need to go slow 
and take LOTS of light cuts. Trying to hog off lots of wood can be "Big" 
for most template work you are cutting form the side of the wood.  YOU need to 
make sure your stops are set, so the router bit will not hit anything you don't 
want it to hit. (rails, head or tailstock...)
As a General rule of thumb. I never want to try to make something important to 
me at first attempt.  Use scrap wood, for testing. and "Play" with the machine 
as much as you can, to get the feel of how it works.
 As a General note: A MASTER has FAILED, more times then a Noves has ever 
tried. Don't be afraid to fail, sometimes by learning what not to do, will 
teach you more then Just knowing how you did it in the past...
Back to the templets: make light cuts, do not try to make deep cut. nibble the 
wood away in multiple cuts, on one large one.
When working on flat work/ moldings, The same notes are true, but instead of 
the center line being your focus point, you must align the part and the 
template to start from, and end at, when making the cuts.
In Legacy clock video, they trapped the follower inside the template so it 
could only follow the path of the cut.
https://ornamentalmills.com/turningaround/PieCrustTable.htm  (Zeke used a 
template to make this table a few years ago.

I personally have been wanting to re-design my Legacy templet follower (Again), 
and make an entirely different type of template follower. On that the follower 
would sit directly under the part.  But that's just me, and my wants.
I wish you luck on your ventures.  Please let us know how it turns out for you.

    On Sunday, August 21, 2022 at 11:47:09 PM EDT, Dante5d 
<camelo...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:  
 I have found instructions on how to assemble the template follower, but 
nothing on how to use it. I have steel templates from Legacy for a clock, but 
nothing on how to use them. I'm stuck, can anyone walk me thru  the process on 
using the template follower?Respectfully,Dante5d

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