Wow! on so many different levels! ;-)
    On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 11:06:03 AM EDT, 
<> wrote:  
 No motors, non desired.  While it's not CNC or even consistentwith my other 
motor driven lathe carriages, I'm reluctant to go into 
that black hole.  It's a hobby, a pleasant one, and while i really dodetest 
tedium, there is a place for it.  I've gotten used to breaking work periods 
into small portions anyway because of ADD.  This 
tedium is somehow different and I'm wondering if it can be used 
to train longer attention spans. It takes a great deal of focus to keeptrack of 
indexing at these high counts, so manual gives time to thinkabout it. That's 
probably the difference between this and other tedium that does drive me nuts.  
RE: checkering bulge.  The effect I'm looking for does not involvefollowing the 
profile.  The effect is the intersection of a straight carriage move along the 
helix curve of the rotating work piece and the curved surface of the bulge.  
The cut will start in the air, get deeper into the cut as it passes the bulge 
and end in the air on the other side.  The cuts will be tapered grooves that 
change the appearance of spacing. We'll see.  
Will be starting Christmas presents, so REVO tinkering will be intermittent. 
Maybe can work REVO into some of the designs.

On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 9:47:55 AM UTC-4 Curt George wrote:

 Thank you Dan.
Yes a template would be the best way to do what you are thinking about for the 
bulged checkering. If you are going to go through all this troubles to make 
this, You might as well start figuring out a better way to keep the pressure on 
the spindle when cutting form the side. Perhaps a counter balance weight like I 
use with my 200 ? this would let you keep a constant contact with the spindle 
while cutting from the side with out having you push or pull the Carriage's/Y 
axis while turning.
Last question, you are using a motor drive to run your machine while cutting? 
Doing all that turning of the crank handle would drive anyone crazy! ;-)
Have a great day.
    On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 07:05:51 AM EDT, Tim Ziegler 
<> wrote:  
 Great information Dan. Looking forward to what you create now that the R-N-D 
is winding down. Now putting it in action for products. Thanks again.
Kind Regards,
Timothy J. ZieglerZiegler WoodWork & SpecialtyZiegler Laser Worx LLC14171 160th 
Ave.Foreston MN 56330
320-294-5798 shop320-630-2243 cell

On Wed, Nov 1, 2023 at 5:32 AM <> wrote:

Mornin' Curt.  The cuts were unidirectional and the router turned off for the 
backstroke through the fresh cut, no other changes. Except for moving the index 
pin the sync was not broken at any time until the cross cut setup required 
changing the reverse gear. Once the RH cuts were done, then it really didn't 
matter if the LH cuts started in the same spot.  I did try to line the first 
cross cut to a previous start, but it wasn't critical. 

I'll be trying this out on various shapes, the first being a checkered 
"bulge"handle where the cuts run into and out of the bulge from above the 
restof the work. To keep the cuts from too much depth in the middle the 
bulge will be fairly shallow.
>From there I suppose the next challenge will be a template following setup.Is 
>there an end to all this?  LOL There's Christmas work to do! I 
>supposecheckered handles could make stocking stuffers?

All the encouragement and helpful comments are much appreciated. Thank you all.
On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 12:13:32 AM UTC-4 Curt George wrote:

Hey Dan.I have a question?  when running your machine, do you cut to a stop and 
the reverse the screw to get back?Or do you in some way mark your gears, and 
then return the carriage to the beginning?
I understand orientation of the gears and back lash could be a problem with the 
screw, So I was wondering how you adjust for any slop/play/backlash in the 
Legacy mechanical movement ?
Again Awesome job on this checkering.
"And as Paul Harvey use to say, Now you know the rest of the story." ;-)

On Friday, October 27, 2023 at 11:32:28 AM UTC-4 wrote:

Finished the cross hatch. Look at how sharp and crisp thediamonds are.  This 
raw off the LOM, no hand touch up.  
The change in spacing is barely detectable from large to smallend of this 2 
3/4" stretch. 

On Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 11:05:41 PM UTC-4 Tim Ziegler wrote:

Very Good Dan. It's great to see a plan coming together. 

Kind Regards,
Timothy J. ZieglerZiegler WoodWork & SpecialtyZiegler Laser Worx LLC14171 160th 
Ave.Foreston MN 56330
320-294-5798 shop320-630-2243 cell
On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 4:56 PM <> wrote:

Here's the work so far.  The taper is just a hair over 2° and I wonderedhow 
much that would affect the spacing at the small end.  I probablywon't see it 
until touching up.  You can see the tilt of the spindle railsthat put the 
cutting surface parallel to the main frame.  I'm going totry one with a 
slightly increased taper and let the checkering fadeinto nothingness 

And the chart update.DanKOn Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 5:27:07 PM UTC-4 wrote:

Today I was motivated to checker an apple piece that I tapered in a typical 
handle fashion.  So using the Taper Chart sheet from the now named 
"LegacyCharts_V10.4" I found that the upper limit to the REVO settings for 
taper is 3/8", i.e. the spindle rails won't go clear up to the main frame 
rails. So I altered the chart to give a warning about values that can't be 
used.  And while I was versioning, I decided that the name should be adjusted 
to better reflect content.  

These are the settings I went with and was anxious about accuracy of the taper 
calcs.  They're dead on!
This is what it looks like to set up.  Needs pretty precise measuring. 

My picture of the work got corrupted in transfer, so after supper.DanK


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