
I do not know WordPerfect but it seems to have pretty much the same options as Open Office. The latter will read the Legacy contents, index types, headers and footers and the frame facility of Open Office enables one to position the pictures as desired. Details of how to achieve this are given in the Blog section of my website.

Ron Ferguson


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From: "Peter Haughton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] PDFs and RTFs
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2006 17:56:13 +1000

I think that my RTF layout wasn't too bad, but I admit I
wasn't seeking any more than a reasonably good layout
to start with, and I fully intended to do lots of changes,
because I couldn't get exactly what I wanted in the
Legacy settings. Things like good full justification, nice
bullets, correct indenting, ...

I do not know for certain, but my belief is that the RTF
output you get from Legacy is their best effort at
producing an editable word processor file that
incorporates all the indexing and sourcing references
necessary. If you try to save the image that you wish to
get at in any other way, which is a Windows print
preview type image, you'll end up with just a bit map
which is absolutely useless to you. You can see these by
doing a screen/print preview of your report, then use
the Clipboard button to sample a page at a time. Looks
pretty pasted in your word processor, but absolutely

I'll probably now make some observations that might
rile some people. Nobody I know with any experience
tries to use MS Word to layout a book precisely because
its image handling can only be described as abysmal.
I don't even use Legacy to insert photos in its RTF
output, possibly because I don't have photos of everyone,
and I do have a number of group photos that I wish to
place as full pages in appropriate positions (like opposite
references to the occasion the photo was taken).

I happen to use WordPerfect, because I have for years.
Its picture placement and handling defaults can be edited
to suit whatever particular task you work on, and I can
totally control the captioning used, such as content,
position relative to the photo, direction and rotation, all
independent of the photo position and rotation. I totally
loathe MS Word whenever I have to attempt such tasks
with it. In WordPerfect I can also generate an index of the
photos when I finish placing them, in addition to the
name index.

There are some problems with the RTF that Legacy
outputs if I try to open it directly in WordPerfect. It
comes down to the RTF codes used, which are more
applicable to MS Word. So what I do is open the RTF
in MS Word, convert it to native MS Word format .doc
format, make some editing changes that I can do more
easily in MS Word, and save it. Then I open it in
WordPerfect and save it in native WordPerfect format,
and do all my further changes there, including all
picture placement and contents and indexes generation.
Note that I add index entries for all the people I mention
in introductions, brief family histories and the like that
are inserted in my book, in addition to those index
entries in the listings generated by Legacy.

Finally, I generate a PDF using full Acrobat because I can
control the parameters my printer wants when using the
PDF to produce my book, such as resolution, etc. My
book sizes vary up to 450 pages in A5 size, covering
about 400 direct line descendants (700 people in all).

I have no extended experience with any other word
processors, so cannot suggest other possibilities. Ronald
Ferguson comments about Open Office (which I believe
is essentially the same as Star Office).

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