Hi Jean,
You don't need to go through a Gedcom unless you are wanting to leave out Research notes or some other field - you can export direct to a Legacy file.

Every family in Legacy has a preferred child whether they are part of the Direct line set or not, whether you've chosen one to be the preferred or not. The asterisk shows the Preferred child.

This means you can use the click next to the children on the Family line to run down a number of different lines. Setting the Direct line changes the preferred child to the one in the Direct line, if that family is part of the Direct line. The last line set as Direct line overrides others.

You can also set the Direct line to be Bold - See Options > Customise - Data Format Tab
In addition you can set relationships and set the Colour Coding.
So many ways to indicate those most important. :-)

These won't all show unless your cousin has the same options set for these things in Options > Customise.

Someone else replied how to get your cousin as RIN 1. Note RINs are not allocated in any logical manner. They're a computer database indexing number.


At 02:51 PM 14/11/2006, you wrote:

I created a focus group of an ancestor and his descendants and imported it into a new file. I renumbered the RIN's to start at number 1. In the new file, my name appears as number 1, not the starting ancestor I chose in the focus group. I don't think this really matters, I just thought it odd.

My real problem is: In the new file, I set one of the descendants of this ancestor as the preferred direct line under Tools and customized to highlight the names in his direct line and include an asterisk. Unfortunately, in addition to his direct line having the asterisk and being highlighted, they still appear at my name and with all of my direct line. (We only share two direct-line ancestors.)

I've tried setting him as preferred a few times and turning the customization on and off. I've also exported and imported again with him being the preferred direct line in the original file. It hasn't fixed anything.

Any suggestions?

(What I'm trying to do is make a Legacy file for a cousin with just his branch of the family. The only way I could figure how to do it was by forming a focus group, exporting to a GEDCOM, and importing the GEDCOM to a new file. Maybe someone knows a better way to accomplish this.)

Thank you for your help.


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